If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us:
您好,「COMPUTEX 2025」一般民眾線上購票預計於2025年5月開放,若有任何疑問,歡迎來信computex@taitra.org.tw,我們將會盡快回覆您的需求。
Important Notice for Media Registration
Press accreditation is reserved for a full-time journalist, industry analyst, employed primarily in journalism, and industry research. TAITRA reserves the right to refuse an applicant if it deems the press credentials provided are insufficient.
Press registration will not be processed without the following stipulated credentials. You may be requested to provide extra materials. Please note that submission of an application does not guarantee accreditation.
1.Print and Newswire Media
You must provide one of the following:
(1)A copy/clip of the masthead from a current issue of an industry-related publication bearing your name as an editorial contributor published within the past three months.
(2)Your name used on a by-line of an article covering the ICT industry published within the past three months.
(3)Your name listed as a member of the editorial/reporting staff on your publication’s website.
Also required: the pictures of both sides of your business card
(1)A name card alone will NOT be accepted as sufficient credentials..
(2)Non-editorial executives or managers do not qualify for media accreditation.
(3)Non-media company publications or newsletters do not qualify for media accreditation.
2.TV/Broadcast Media and Film Crews
You must provide one of the following:
(1)A copy of a business card from your media outlet reflecting your editorial title.
(2)Your name listed as a member of the editorial/reporting staff on your broadcast outlets website.
(3)A letter from a news director or producer on company/station/network letterhead stating that you have been sent on assignment to cover COMPUTEX.
Also required: the pictures of both sides of your business card
(1)Each member of a broadcast crew must register separately.
(2)Video production crews hired by exhibitors, sponsors or speakers to film at COMPUTEX will NOT be considered as media accreditation and must ask their clients for the usage of exhibitor badges.
3.Online Media
You must provide one of the following:
(1)A copy of or link to a recent article (published no earlier than three months ago) and appropriately bylined.
(2)Your name listed as a part of the editorial/reporting team on a current page of your company or online publication.
Also required: the pictures of both sides of your business card
(1)Online media must be an independent site that is regularly updated at least 1-2 times a week with original, dated and current ICT-related news.
(2)Fan sites, price comparison sites, user groups, sponsored sites/blogs, company blogs, Facebook and Twitter pages/accounts do not qualify for media accreditation.
(3)Personal diaries, opinion pieces, analyses or sharing of personal user experiences will NOT be considered as media accreditation.
(4)A name card alone will NOT be accepted as sufficient credentials.
(5)TAITRA reserves the rights to limit the number of register media badges per media outlet.
4.We Media – Bloggers, YouTube and Podcast Content Creators
You must provide:
(1)A link to your website or channel. Content creators must demonstrate regular posting of content.
(2)A proof as a member listed on the your channel.
(3)Channel metrics.
(1)Blogs may qualify as media accreditation. Bloggers must demonstrate evidence of original, current and regular (at least 1-2 entries per week) writing related to the ICT-related industry. Bloggers must also provide a recent monthly traffic report from an external demographic tool, like Google Analytics, verifying the blog gets 10,000 or more unique monthly visitors.
(2)Youtube channel with at least 10 videos relating to the ICT industry within the past 3 months may qualify as media accreditation. The channel has 50,000+ subscribers and each video receive 1,000 views on average.
(3)Podcast with at least 5 episodes relating to the ICT industry within the past 3 months may qualify as media accreditation. Each episode receive 3,000 unique downloads on average.
(4)TAITRA reserves the rights to limit the number of register media badges per YouTube channel.
5.Freelance Reporters and Photojournalist
You must provide one of the following:
(1)An e-mail from the news director, editor or senior member of the editorial team of a recognized media outlet, from a company e-mail address, stating that you have been sent to cover COMPUTEX.
(2)A letter from a news director, editor or producer on company letterhead stating that you have been assigned to cover COMPUTEX.
(3)Proof of regular and current journalism activity (published within the past three months).
Also required: the pictures of both sides of your business card
(1)We do not accredit individuals whose main roles are NOT freelance journalism.
(2)Spec photography, portfolio photography, and personal website photography do not qualify for media accreditation.
(3)Providing a letter or an email of assignment to endorse a non-qualified applicant can result in an entire organization losing accreditation for COMPUTEX.
(4)A name card alone will NOT be accepted as sufficient credentials.
6.Industry Analysts
You must provide one of the following:
(1)A copy of or link to an ICT industry-related article or research report published within the past three months with your byline. Research reports must be made independently and not commissioned by exhibiting companies.
(2)A copy of or link to an ICT-related article published within the past three months quoting you as an industry analyst.
Also required: the pictures of both sides of your business card
(1)A name card alone will NOT be accepted as sufficient credentials.
(2)Accreditation will NOT be granted to investment consultants.
Accreditation will NOT be granted to:
(1)General managers, account representatives, marketing executives, sales executives, engineers, public relations (PR) reps, graphic designers, academics, student reporters and other non-media staff;
(2)Personal websites, fan sites, price comparison sites, user groups, sponsored sites, company blogs;
(3)Facebook or Twitter pages/accounts;
(4)Stock investment consultants and consultancy firms;
(5)Anyone whose principal purpose of visiting COMPUTEX is, in TAITRA’s judgement, not covering the event as working media or an industry analyst.
If you are a freelance reporter, you must be on assignment from a media outlet. Spec photography, portfolio photography, and personal website photography are not valid assignments.
A history of press registration at past editions of COMPUTEX or previous COMPUTEX events does not guarantee approval nor waive the accreditation requirements.
Misconduct or misrepresentation of one’s position and/or publication/news organization will result in such persons and their organization being barred from all future COMPUTEX events.
TAITRA reserves the right to :
(1)request samples or proofs of actual, current published items in every case.
(2)limit the number of register media badges per outlet / channel.
(3)modify its press accreditation policy without public notice and to revoke previously issued COMPUTEX accreditation/registration at any time.
Liability Disclaimer
1.1 The Agreement.
The content herein sets forth the terms and conditions of the Taiwantrade and
Taiwantradeshows Online Membership Agreement (“Agreement”) among a member
of the Taiwantrade, Taiwantradeshows platform and COMPUTEX Visitor Registration
website (“Member”) and the Taiwan External Trade Development Council & Taipei
Computer Association(”Organizers or we”). This Agreement shall govern any and all
of the Member’s access and use of the website of Taiwantrade
(URL:www.taiwantrade.com), Taiwantradeshows(URL:www.taiwantradeshows.com)
and COMPUTEX Visitor Registration website (URL:
https://www.computexonline.com.tw/) ( the “Site”), my.computex.biz/Default.aspx,
www.computex.biz, show.computex.biz/online.aspx, bcaward.computex.biz/,
1.2 Services of the Site.
The Site provides an online platform for companies and organizations to use the
services concerning business-to-business e-commerce trades, as well as other
services, provided via the Site, including but not limited to services provided for
enabling the listing and purchasing of the products or services for Members, subject
to the terms and conditions set forth herein (“Services”). The Services regarding
listing, ordering and purchasing of the products or services provided by organizers
are currently free of charge. organizers reserves the right to charge for any and all of
the Services at any time.
1.3 Amendment.
Organizers may, at its sole discretion, amend this Agreement at any time by posting
the latest Agreement on the Site, without any specific notice to Member. It is the
responsibility of Member to review the most recently published Agreement. No
amendment or alteration shall be made to this Agreement without organizers’s prior
2.1 The Member agrees to the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement. By
applying for membership with organizers, the Member accepts and agrees to be
bound by this Agreement regardless of whether the Member has actually read and/or
reviewed this Agreement or not. Further, by logging onto the Site with the member
account and/or using or continuing using the Services provided on the Site, the
Member accepts and agrees to be bound by the most updated version of this
Agreement, if any. In the event the Member does not agree to any of the terms and
conditions set forth in the most updated version of this Agreement, the Member shall
cease from using the Services provided via the Site immediately.
2.2 This Agreement, together with the Site’s Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Product
Listing Policy, Liability Disclaimer, Intellectual Property Right Infringement Policy,
Notice of Personal Information Protection, and the other terms and conditions
provided from time to time by organizers for the Member to follow which are
incorporated by reference herein, constitute the entire agreement between the
Member and organizers, and supersede all prior understandings, agreements,
undertakings or warranties with respect to the Site, the content, product or services
provided by or through the Site and the subject matter of this Agreement.
3.1 Application of Membership. The Member shall be a legal entity or an individual having
legal capacity to form legally binding contracts. Applicant wishing to use the services
of the Site shall provide all information and documents requested by organizers,
including but not limited to the information specified in the membership application
form provided by organizers online. After the applicant enters the foregoing required
information and agrees to and accepts the terms and conditions provided herein,
organizers may then, at its sole discretion, permit request for membership.
3.2 Rejection and Suspension of Application. organizers may reject an application for the
following reasons: (The information provided by the applicant in the membership
application form, or any other information provided by the applicant to organizers
and/or on the Site, is false, untrue, inaccurate or incomplete; The applicant requests
for service through the Site in the name of a third party; The application is of an illegal
nature or unreasonable; and/or Any other reason that organizers deems appropriate.
organizers may suspend the application and notify, through e-mail or by other way
organizers deems appropriate, such applicant of pending its submission of
additionally requested information and materials in order to determine whether
application for membership may be accepted.
3.3 Membership Application Accepted. organizers may issue a Member ID and assign a
password to the applicant whose application is permitted to access the Services
through such Member’s account. The Member shall be responsible for maintaining
confidentiality of the Member ID, password and account information, and no Member
shall share or permit the use of its Member ID, password or account information with
any third party. The Member acknowledges and agrees that sharing of its Member
ID, password or account information with other persons will cause irreparable harm to
organizers and the Member shall indemnify organizers against any losses or
damages suffered by organizers as a result of such sharing or multiple use of the
3.4 Alternation and Cancellation of Membership. organizers may, at its sole discretion
(which may be based on including but not limited to suspension of business,
company dissolution and/or other reason organizers deems appropriate ), cancel,
modify, upgrade, alter, suspend or terminate the membership or application of the
Member at any time without prior notice. 3.5 Information provided. The Member shall
provide true, accurate, current and complete information in connection with its
application of membership and use of the Site, and maintain and promptly amend all
information to keep such information updated, true, accurate, current and complete.
4.1 Content of the Service and Alteration thereof. organizers shall have the rights to
determine the content and the way the Services provided. The Member confirms that
organizers may, at its sole discretion, remove, modify, upgrade, suspend, cancel or
terminate any and all of the Services at any time without prior notice to Member. In
the event Member fails to provide any material necessary to the Services or to use
the Services within the time period prescribed by organizers, Member shall not be
capable of enjoying the Services and shall have no right to request for any damages
resulting therefrom.
4.2 Limitation of Services. organizers shall have the right to limit the Member’s use of any
and all of the Services, including but not limited to modifying or removing any
contents posted on the Site by the Member, or review the contents provided by the
Member before posting, for any reason, without giving any prior notice to the
Member. organizers reserves the right in it sole discretion to remove any material it
reasonably believes that is unlawful, could subject organizers to liability, violates this
Agreement or is otherwise found inappropriate in organizers’s opinion. The Member
acknowledges and agrees that organizers shall not be liable to any party for any
limitation of the Services set by organizers to the Member.
4.3 Service Provided by Third Party. The Member acknowledges and agrees that the
services offered via or relating to the Site may be provided by third parties (including
but not limited to the services provided by PayPal, HiTRUST, the issuing bank(s),
payment or amount transfer service provider(s), logistics service provider(s),
certification service provider(s), and other product or service provider(s)), and
organizers shall have no liability for such service(s) of the third party(ies). The
Member shall follow the terms and conditions set forth by such third party provider
(including but not limited to the restriction set forth by the third party in accordance
with the applicable laws and regulations regarding foreign exchange control or others
as the case may be). organizers is entitled to, at its sole discretion, remove, modify,
upgrade, suspend, cancel or terminate any and all of such third party services at any
time without prior notice to the Member. organizers shall not be liable for any of the
foregoing measures.
5.1 Not for End User. The products or services listed on the Site shall be only for the
purposes of business to business trades. No Member shall purchase any product or
service as an end user or provide any end user with any product or service via the
Site. The Member shall indemnify and hold organizers harmless from and against
any and all damages and lost arising therefrom.
5.2 Security Violation. The Member is prohibited from violating or attempting to violate
the security of the Site including, without limitation, accessing data not intended for
them or logging into a server or account which they are not authorized to access,
attempting to probe, scan or test the vulnerability of a system or network or
attempting to breach security or authentication measures without proper
authorization, attempting to interfere with service to any Member, host or network or
sending unsolicited e-mail. Violation of the system or network security may result in
civil or criminal liability.
5.3 Violation of Law. The Member shall not use the Site (1) for transmitting, distributing or
storing material in violation of any applicable law or regulation; or (2) in any manner
that will infringe the patent, trademark, copyright, trade secrets or other intellectual
property rights of others or violate the privacy or publicity or other personal rights of
others; (3) in any manner that is libelous, obscene, threatening, abusive or hateful; or
(4) in any manner against any applicable laws.
5.4 No Legal Capacity. The Member shall not use the Site if it does not have legal
capacity to form legally binding contracts.
5.5 False Advertising. The Member shall not post any false, inaccurate, misleading or
libelous content on the Site. Also, the advertisement shall not be fraudulent or involve
sale of counterfeit goods.
5.6 Spam. The Member shall not engage in spamming, including but not limited to any
form of emailing that is unsolicited.
5.7 Prohibition Contractual in Nature. The Member understands that the limitations set
forth in this Section 5 and, as the case may be, otherwise provided in this Agreement
are contractual in nature and may not be limited as a technical matter in the Site.
By posting content on the Site or providing organizers with any content in any other manner,
the Member unconditionally grants organizers a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide,
irrevocable, royalty-free right (including but not limited to, the copyright and any other rights
in the content owned by the Member) to use the content in order that organizers can host
and display the content, compile statistics, conduct any analysis, use and make public the
content related to business of organizers, promote the Site, and carry out the purposes set
out in the Privacy Policy and/or any other matters related to this Agreement. For the
avoidance of doubt, the license set forth in this Section 6 shall survive termination of this
7.1 Independence of Site Provider. The Member acknowledges and agrees that
organizers is not a party of, nor is it involved in, any transaction related to the Site as
any buyer, supplier or trading counterparty, and organizers does not represent the
supplier or the buyer either.
7.2 Assumption of Transaction Risks and Liabilities. The Member assumes full
responsibility for all risks and liabilities in connection with the purchase or sale of
products and services on the Site and acknowledges and agrees that organizers
shall not be responsible or liable for any damages, liabilities, costs, inconveniences,
business disruption or expenditures of any nature that may arise as a result of or
relating to any transaction risks or liabilities (including without limitation, the
lawfulness of the products or services offered for sale on the Site, the ability of the
suppliers to complete a sale (including but not limited to stock and logistics affairs) or
the buyers to complete a purchase, misrepresentation, quality, quantity, safety,
mislabeling, defective of the products or services, insolvency or overdue payment,
fraudulent schemes, breach of warranties and delivery mishap). The Member shall be
fully responsible for the aforementioned transaction risks and liabilities.
7.3 Terms and Conditions of Transactions. The Member shall be fully responsible for all
the terms and conditions in connection with any transaction conducted on or through
the Site, including but not limited to, payment terms, return policy, warranties,
shipping method, fees, taxes, storage, delivery and insurance.
7.4 Dispute resolution of Transactions. The Member acknowledges and agrees that, if
any dispute arising out of or in connection with any transaction conducted on or
through the Site relates to any services provided by PayPal, such dispute shall be
resolved under the mechanism of dispute resolution provided by PayPal; if the
dispute relates to any services provided by HiTRUST and/or the issuing bank(s),
Member shall reach HiTRUST and/or the issuing bank(s) for resolution; if the dispute
relates to other institution(s) or product or service provider(s), Member shall reach the
corresponding institution(s) or product or service provider(s) for resolution. Any
dispute or matter arising out of or in connection with any transaction conducted on or
through the Site shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of China, without
reference to conflict of laws principles.
7.5 Indemnification. In the event any Member has a dispute with any trading
counterparty, such Member agrees to indemnify and hold organizers harmless from
any and all damages (including actual, direct, indirect, consequential and special
damages) or expenses (including but not limited to those for claims, requests,
actions, or demands (including court expenses and attorney fees) ) suffered or
incurred by organizers therefor.
8.1 The Member hereby represents, warrants and agrees to (i) provide true, accurate,
current and complete information about itself and its business references as may be
required by organizers and (ii) maintain and promptly amend all information to keep it
true, accurate, complete and updated.
8.2 The Member hereby represents, warrants and agrees that its use of the Service and
the Site shall be free from the following circumstances: ontaining fraudulent
information or making fraudulent offers of items or involve the sale or attempted sale
of counterfeit or stolen items or items whose sales and/or marketing is prohibited by
applicable laws, or otherwise promote other illegal activities; infringing or otherwise
encouraging the infringement or violation of any third party's copyright, patent,
trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights, privacy or other legitimate
rights; violating any applicable laws, statutes or regulations, including without
limitation those governing import/export control, unfair competition, foreign exchange
control, anti-discrimination or false advertising; providing or promoting any
information, content or material that is obscene; promoting discrimination based on
race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; containing
information that is defamatory, libelous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully
harassing; involving attempts to copy, reproduce, exploit or expropriate organizers’s
various proprietary directories, databases, listings and information; involving any
scheme to undermine the integrity of the computer systems or networks used by
organizers and/or any user of the Services, or attempt to gain unauthorized access to
such computer systems or networks; involving any computer viruses or other
destructive devices and codes that have the effect of damaging, interfering with,
intercepting or expropriating any software or hardware system, data or personal data;
containing any material that constitutes unauthorized advertising or harassment
(including but not limited to spamming), invades anyone's privacy or encourages
conduct that would constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise
violate any law or regulation; linking directly or indirectly to or including descriptions
of goods or services or other materials that are prohibited under any laws and
regulations or this Agreement; being part of a scheme to defraud other Members or
other users of the Site or for any other unlawful purpose; or directly or indirectly
violating any applicable laws.
8.3 The Member acknowledges and agrees that organizers shall have no obligation to
actively monitor or exercise any editorial control whatsoever over the content of any
message or other material or information created, obtained or accessible through the
Services (although it reserves the right to do so). organizers does not endorse, verify
or otherwise certify the contents of any comments or other material or information
made by any Member. Each Member is solely responsible for the contents of their
communications. The Member shall be held legally liable or accountable for the
content of their comments or other material or information. 8.4 The Member
represents, warrants and agrees that it has obtained all necessary third party
licenses and permissions and shall be solely responsible for ensuring that any
material or information it posts on the Site or provides to organizers or authorizes
organizers to display does not violate the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secrets
or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party or is posted with the
permission of the owner(s) of such rights. The Member further represents, warrants
and agrees that it has the right and authority to make offers to purchase, offer to sell,
sell, purchase, make payment for, distribute or license the products or services
described in the material or information it posts on the Site or provides to organizers
or authorizes organizers to display.
The text, images, layout, database, graphics, pictures, sounds or audio formats, software,
brands and all other materials on the Site are the intellectual properties of organizers or
other right holders, as the case may be, which are protected by the applicable laws related
to copyright, trademark and other proprietary rights and may not be downloaded or
otherwise duplicated without the express written permission of organizers or the right
holders. All title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Services shall remain with
organizers. Use of any of the foregoing without obtainment of consent from organizers is
strictly prohibited and organizers reserves all rights therein.
10.1 No Liability from Information Posted by the Member. organizers is not responsible,
and shall have no liability to it or anyone else for any material posted by such
Member or third parties, including fraudulent, untrue, misleading, inaccurate,
defamatory, offensive or illicit material and that the risk of damage from such material
rests entirely with each Member. organizers shall have no obligation to review any of
the contents posted by Member on the Site.
10.2 No Liability from Site Services, Error or Interruption. organizers shall not in any way
be liable to Members or any third parties for any loss, injury, claim, liability or damage
of any kind resulting from (i) any errors or inaccuracies in or omissions from the Site
or any Services or products obtainable therefrom; (ii) the unavailability or interruption
of the Site or any features and applications thereof; (iii) Member’s use of the Site; (iv)
the Service provided or the content contained on the Site; (v) any delay or failure in
performance due to the use of or inability to use the Services; and/or (vi) the
cancellation, termination or alternation of Services, in whole or in part, attributed to
Member (including but not limited to fail to pay membership fee on time, renew the
agreement on time and any other nonperformance of Member obligation).
10.3 Disclaimer of Provision of Services. The Site, the Services and/or the products,
information and documents provided through the Site are provided on an “as-is” basis
and organizers hereby expressly disclaims any and all warranties, whether express
or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties of title, quality, condition,
performance, accuracy, reliability, merchantability or non-infringement. To the
maximum extent permitted by law, all such warranties, representations, conditions
and terms are hereby excluded. The Members assume full responsibility and risk for
use of the Services on or through the Site.
10.4 No Representation of Accuracy or Ability. Although organizers will endeavor to
ensure maximum integrity and accuracy of the Site, to the maximum extent permitted
by law, organizers makes no representations or warranties about the validity, legality,
accuracy, quality, reliability, stability or completeness of any information or products
provided on or through the Site, the ability of any supplier to sell the items, the ability
of any buyer to purchase the products, or that any transaction will be completed.
10.5 Own Risk. Any materials downloaded or obtained otherwise through the use of the
Services is done at each Member’s sole discretion and risk, and each Member is
solely responsible for any damage to its computer system or loss of data that results
from the download or use of any such material.
10.6 No Implied Warranty. organizers does not provide any warranties about the Content
other than those expressly stated in this Agreement.
10.7 Links to Other Sites. The Site may contain links to third party web sites. These are
provided solely as a convenience to Members and not in any way as an endorsement
by organizers of the contents on such third-party web sites. If any Member accesses
any linked third party web sites, such Member(s) does so entirely at its own risk.
10.8 Cooperate with Government Authorities. organizers reserves the right to cooperate
fully with government(s), court(s), prosecution or investigation agency(ies), law
enforcement body(ies), private investigator(s), and/or injured third party(ies) in the
investigation of any suspected criminal, civil or administrative illegal conduct(s).
organizers may disclose the Member's identity, contact and any other information, if
requested by government(s), court(s), prosecution or investigation agency(ies), law
enforcement body(ies), private investigator(s) or injured third party(ies), or as a result
of a subpoena or other legal action, and organizers shall not be liable for damages or
results thereof. The Member agrees not to bring any action, request or claim
(including litigation) against organizers for such disclosure.
10.9 No Consequential Damages. In no event shall organizers be liable for any damages
including, without limitation: special, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential
damages, including but not limited to damages from loss of profits, goodwill, use,
data or other intangible losses, business interruption, whether or not organizers has
been advised of the possibility of such damages, arising out of or in connection with
the use of the Site; inability to use by any party, or in connection with any failure of
performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission,
computer virus, system failure or unauthorized access by third parties to data or
private information of any Member.
10.10 Aggregate Liability. Without prejudice to the above and subject to applicable laws,
the aggregate liability of organizers, its employees, agents, directors, officers,
affiliates, representatives, assigns, third party suppliers of information or documents
or anyone acting on its behalf with respect to each Member for all claims relating to
the use of the Services, the Site or the information, products and documents provided
on the Site shall be limited to NT$20,000; such amount shall be in lieu of all other
remedies which the Member may have against organizers and shall not preclude the
requirement by the Member to prove actual damages.
The Privacy Policy of the Site shall be considered a part of this Agreement. The Site’s
current Privacy Policy practices are accessible through the “Privacy Policy” link located near
the bottom of most pages on the Site. You may also click here to review organizers Privacy
Policy. As a result of the World Wide Web evolving constantly, security features and privacy
policies may change from time to time. organizers reserves the right to amend or modify its
Privacy Policy at any time. Members should review the Privacy Policy on a regular basis so
they can be apprised of any changes.
12.1 Termination by organizers. Organizers may terminate this Agreement and any
Member’s access to or use of the Site or any portion thereof, immediately, in its sole
discretion without cause. Termination of this Agreement under this Section12.1 shall be
in addition to, and not a waiver of, any remedy at law available to organizers.
12.2 Termination by the Member. The Member may terminate this Agreement by
issuing a notification specifying its intention to terminate this Agreement to organizers.
This Agreement shall be terminated upon organizers’s consent to such Member’s
12.3 Upon termination of this Agreement, organizers shall have the rights, among other
things, to remove, cancel or take down any and all information, materials, services
and/or products posted by the Member. organizers may further notify any other Member
of the Site (including but not limited to a Member involving in any proposed transaction
regarding the services or products posted by such Member on the Site) or any other
person of such termination to the extent that organizers deems appropriate.
Each Member agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless organizers, its employees,
agents, directors, officers, affiliates, representatives, assigns, third party suppliers of
information or documents or anyone acting on its behalf from any damages (including but
not limited to any court expenses and attorney fees) related to such Member’s violation of
this Agreement (including but not limited to the representatives and warranties provided by
the Member herein) or the materials incorporated by reference herein, use of the Service
through the Site, or alleged or actual infringement or violation of the rights of others,
including but not limited to the infringement of patent, trademark, copyright or any other
intellectual property rights in connection to the products, services or materials provided by
Member on the Site. organizers reserves the right to assume the sole and exclusive
defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by the Members, which shall
not excuse the Members’ indemnity obligations.
Except as explicitly provided herein or otherwise, the Member’s legal notices to organizers
in connection with this Agreement shall be served by e-mail to e-member@taiwantrade.com
or by registered mail to the address to 7 Fl., 333 Keelung Rd., Section 1, Taipei 11012,
Taiwan ROC. organizers may deliver legal notices to the Member by e-mail or registered
mail in accordance with the contact information provided by the Member in its application.
Notice by e-mail shall be deemed given 24 hours after e-mail is sent, unless the sending
party is notified that the email address is invalid. Notice by registered mail shall be deemed
given three (3) days after the date of mailing.
15.1 Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
the Republic of China, without reference to conflict of laws principles. Any dispute
arising out of this Agreement shall be referred to the jurisdiction of the Taipei District
Court in Taipei, the Republic of China for the first instance.
15.2 No Agency. This Agreement shall in no way create, or intend any agency,
partnership, joint venture, employment or franchise relationship to be created, between
Members and organizers.
15.3 Severability. If any provision or portion of this Agreement shall be deemed
unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision or portion
shall be struck out and other provisions or portions of this Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect. Any such unenforceable or invalid provision or portion thereof shall be
changed so as to best accomplish the objectives of such provision or portion within the
limits of applicable law(s).
15.4 Headings. Headings herein are inserted for convenience of reference only and in
no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section.
15.5 No Waiver. No waiver or failure by organizers to enforce any right or act with
respect to any breach by a Member under this Agreement shall be deemed to waive
organizers’s right to act with respect to any subsequent breaches.
15.6 Assignment. organizers shall have the right to assign this Agreement to any person
or entity. Members may not assign this Agreement to any person or entity unless
otherwise agreed by organizers.
15.7 Language. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese version of this
Agreement and any of its translation, the Chinese version shall prevail
Personal Information Collection Consent Form
Taiwan External Trade Development Council, TAITRA, (including its legal organizations with
relevant business relationships, such as the Taiwan Trade Centers), in conjunction with the
Taipei Computer Association (referred to collectively as the "organizers" or "we") respect
and committed to protecting your personal privacy and information. To help you understand
how the organizers collect, process, and utilize the personal information you provide, we
hereby make the following statement. If you continue with this website, you will be deemed
to have read, agreed, and accepted all the contents. If you do not agree, please leave this
webpage and immediately stop browsing and using the website provided by the organizers.
The relevant content is as follows:
1. Purpose of collection
Assist businesses and exhibitors in developing international trade and carrying out
related tasks for other public sectors. Also, for trade promotion and management, online
shopping and other e-commerce services, customer management and service, guidance
for small and medium-sized enterprises and other industries, policy promotion,
educational or training administration, publication management, advertising or
commercial activity management, marketing, contracts, similar contracts or other legal
matters, business and technical information, information services, information and
database management, information security and management, surveys, statistics, and
research analysis, etc.
2. Personal information collection includes the following information
Name, department, job title, phone number, mobile number, email, company name,
nationality, technical data (may include IP address, cookie data, etc.), and other personal
information necessary for the purpose of collection.
3. Duration, region, recipients, and methods of processing and utilizing personal data
A. Duration: The specific purpose of the personal data collection retention period, or
the retention period stipulated by relevant laws or contracts, or the necessary
retention period for the organizers to carry out its business (whichever is longer
between legal or contractual stipulations), or otherwise a longer period agreed
upon by you.
B. Region: including Taiwan, the countries where the organizers have overseas
offices and their jurisdiction, the locations of the recipients of international transfers
of personal data that are not restricted by the central industry authority, the
locations of the subjects to be used for personal data, and the locations of the
business-related institutions of the organizers.
C. Recipients: Your information may be provided to the organizers' agents,
contractors, service providers for online payment authentication or other related
services, and partners (such as PayPal, VeriSign, acquiring banks, payment or
collection service providers, logistics companies, certification service providers,
eBay, and other transaction platforms cooperating with the organizers), recipients
of internationally transferred personal data not restricted by the central authority
and other institutions conducting business with the organizers, courts, and/or
government authorities.
D. Method: In compliance with relevant personal data protection laws, utilizing
automated machinery or other non-automated methods to collect, process, and
use international transfers.
4. Your rights and methods of claiming
With respect to your personal data, in accordance with the provisions of personal data
protection laws, you have the right: (1) to inquire or request access and request for
copies, provided that the organizers may charge necessary costs; (2) to request
supplementation or correction, but according to the law, you should provide an
appropriate explanation; (3) to request to stop collection, processing, or use and to
request deletion; however, if necessary for the organizers to perform their duties or
business, the organizers may, in accordance with the law, not comply with your request;
and (4) if your personal data is used for marketing, you have the right to express refusal
to receive marketing materials. If you wish to exercise the above rights, please email
taitra@taitra.org.tw, computex1@mail.computex.com.tw or call TAITRA at 02-2725-
5200, and Taipei Computer Association at 02-2577-4249. (Service hours: Monday to
Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM)
5. Impact on rights arising from not providing personal information
If you do not agree to provide information, you will be unable to receive the services
provided by the organizers.
6. I have confirmed that the personal information provided is true and accurate; in the event
of any changes thereafter, I will promptly submit relevant supporting documents to the
organizers for correction.
Terms of Service & Privacy Policy
The ensuing agreement specifies the terms and conditions for the use of COMPUTEX
Visitor Registration website & Taiwan International Tradeshows website(“COMPUTEX
website”) services and materials. By using the Site, you consent to our Privacy Policy set
out herein.
1. Membership / Application
1.1 TAITRA & TCA(“Organizers or We ”), the operator of website, may reject any
application for registration without providing reason.
1.2 Once accepted as a member, you will be sent a Login ID and Password via electronic
mail or other means of communication.
1.3 You agree to notify organizers immediately of any unauthorized use of your account
or any other breach of security that you come to know of.
2. Member Privacy
2.1 It is organizers' policy to respect and protect the privacy of its members.
2.2 The personal information provided by you through the registration, such as name, email
address, business address, phone number, and credit card number, is purely for the
purpose of providing you services and products on COMPUTEX website.
2.3 Without your prior consent, organizers will neither use nor disclose any of your
personal information unless organizers has a good reason that such an action is
necessary to protect your interests or other members.
2.4 Organizers may download certain information including your identification data to
your computer or access device.
3. User's Conduct
3.1 You acknowledge that all content and materials available on the COMPUTEX website
are protected by copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or other intellectual
property rights. Except with the express written permission of organizers, you may not
copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, sell or directly or indirectly compete with
organizers by commercially exploiting its content and/or materials.
3.2 Notwithstanding the above, you may download or print one copy of the content or
materials available on the COMPUTEX website, provided you do not delete or change
any copyright or other proprietary notices thereon.
3.3 Authorization to access and use the website is granted to registered members of
COMPUTEX website only. If a registered member is a company, specific employees
within that company may be deemed authorized to use member services. Neither
member companies nor their employees may transfer login ID or password rights, in their
entirety or in part, to other persons or business entities.
3.4 Organizers reserves the right to terminate access to all or part of COMPUTEX
website, with or without cause.
4. How We Use Cookies
4.1 These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off
in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you which
amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in or
filling in forms. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, but
some parts of the site will not then work. These cookies do not store any personally
identifiable information. Examples of this type of cookie include:
● Account Registration - If you create an account with us, we may use cookies for the
management of the enrollment process and the general administration of the
account. These cookies will usually be deleted when you log out however in some
cases they may remain afterwards to remember your site preferences when logged
● Account Login – We use cookies when you are logged in so that we can remember
this fact. This prevents you from having to log in every single time you visit a new
page. These cookies are typically removed or cleared when you log out to ensure
that you can only access restricted features and areas when logged in.
4.2 In some special cases we also use cookies provided by third-parties to help us to
understand how you use a site and ways that we can improve your experience. These
cookies may track things such as how long you spend on a site and the pages that you
visit so we can continue to produce engaging content.
5. Change Website Content
Organizers may at any time change or remove any content, materials, functions, aspects,
features, or certain presentations of COMPUTEX website, including hours of availability and
equipment (hardware and software) needed for access or use, with or without notice.
6. Modification to Terms and Conditions
Organizers reserves the right to change the terms and conditions stipulated in this
agreement at any time. All members will be notified of change through postings on
COMPUTEX website. Your further access or use of COMPUTEX website signifies your
consent to such change.
7. Payment and Taxes
7.1 You agree to make payment for use of the products or services provided on
COMPUTEX website at a rate specified in the billing agreement. You also agree to be
responsible for use taxes, sales taxes, or other taxes derived from your use of
COMPUTEX website. If any tax is levied against organizers in your jurisdiction, you must
pay such a tax at your expense without claiming any reimbursement or setoff from
7.2 You authorize organizers to bill all charges due for your using the products or
services provided on COMPUTEX Website to the credit, debit or charge card account, or
bank account you have designated at the time of registration or any time later on.
8. Intellectual Property Rights
8.1 All intellectual property rights subsisting in respect of the Website belong to
organizers or have been lawfully licensed to organizers for use on the Website. All rights
under applicable laws are hereby reserved. Except with the express written permission of
organizers, you are not allowed to upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute
in any way any component of the Website itself or create derivative works with respect
thereto, as the Website is copyrighted under applicable laws.
8.2 You agree that we are free to use, disclose, adopt and/or modify all or any ideas,
concepts, know-how, proposals, suggestions, comments and other communications and
information provided by you to us as 'Feedback' in connection with COMPUTEX website
and/or services without any payment to you. You hereby waive and agree to waive all
and any rights and claims for any consideration, fees, royalties, charges and/or other
payments in relation to our use, disclosure, adoption and/or modification of any or all of
your 'Feedback'.
9. Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability
9.1 You use COMPUTEX website solely at your own risk.
9.2 All materials and content in or available through COMPUTEX are provided 'as is' for
your reference and use. They are provided without warranty of any kind, either express
or implied, or warranties of fitness for a particular purpose.
9.3 Organizers do not warrant, guarantee or assume any responsibility that:
● the information or content is accurate, adequate, current or reliable, or may be used
for any purpose other than for general reference;
● any results may be obtained or derived from using the information provided;
● the information is free of defect, error, omission, virus or anything which may change,
erase, add to or damage your software, data or equipment.
9.4 The Information or content may not be regarded as any recommendation or
endorsement by organizers for any purpose with respect to any person, product or
9.5 In no event will we or our Affiliates be liable to you or any other person for any direct,
indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages, including any loss of
business or profit, arising out of any use, or inability to use, the Information.
9.6 You will exercise and rely solely on your own skill and judgement in your use and
interpretation of the Information available on COMPUTEX website. You are responsible
to ensure that your use of such Information complies with all applicable legal
9.7 The limitation of liability contained in this agreement will apply to the fullest extent
permitted by applicable laws.
10. Governing Law & Jurisdiction
10.1 This agreement is governed by and construed according to the laws of Taiwan, the
Republic of China.
10.2 For any disputes or claims arising from or in connection with the use of
COMPUTEX, or with this agreement, you agree to submit grievance to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the Taipei District Court of Taiwan.
11. Multiple Users (Group Users)
Authorized COMPUTEX website member companies and subsequent authorized
employees of those companies jointly agree to accept the responsibilities and liabilities
contained and stipulated within this agreement.
12. Hyperlinks
As a result of your research, COMPUTEX website may link you to other sites. The inclusion
of so-called hyperlinks does not indicate or imply endorsement of such sites by organizers.
Organizers does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, copyright compliance,
legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of the linked sites.
13. Maintenance of Login ID & Password
13.1 You assume the sole responsible of keeping your Login ID and Password
confident and protected against any unauthorized use.
13.2 The account administrator representing a company may not change his/her Login
ID, without organizers' prior agreement.
14. Termination of Account
You may close your account with COMPUTEX website by submitting written notice to .
Upon receiving the notice, your account will be closed and access to COMPUTEX website
be terminated within 2 (two) working days.
15. English and Japanese Versions
If any conflict or difference between the Chinese, Japanese or English Versions of this
agreement shall arise, the Chinese version will prevail. If any part of the English or
Japanese version is unclear, reference should be made to the Chinese version. The English
or Japanese version may not be translated into Chinese for the purpose of comparing with
or interpreting the Chinese version.
16. How does our website use Google user data:
Our website provide online meeting reservation:
After users log in the website,they can click "Add To My Google Calendar" button and the
website will call Google API .Users needs to log in Google account and allow website to
access basic information to add meeting detail on Google Calendar .
17. Miscellaneous
17.1 No waiver, by either party, of any breach under this agreement will constitute a
waiver of any other breach under this agreement at any other time.
17.2 The headings in this agreement are for convenience only and do not affect the
interpretation thereof.
18. Access and Correction
You are entitled to make a data access or correction request concerning your own personal
data kept with organizers. You are also entitled to access to your own personal data
(subject to prior confirmation of identity) kept with organizers and may amend such personal
data except that, for Members, the data submitted cannot be amended unless such data is
Retention of Personal Details
Subject to legal requirements and your refusal, your personal data will be retained by
organizers until you formally request us to erase the related data from the database of
organizers. You may delete your personal data by sending email to
us: taitra@taitra.org.tw or computex1@mail.computex.com.tw.