2024 飛捷 x StarFab 加速器報名表 Flytech x StarFab Accelerator Application
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加速器介紹 | Accelerator Introduction
飛捷科技(TPE:6206) 為世界前三大POS製造商,一直為工業自動化、飯店、零售、醫療和商業場所等產業創新、設計及製造享譽全球的硬體解決方案,並致力於成為最頂尖的智能服務提供者。2021年,飛捷推出全新雲端UEM解決方案,以“inefi” 品牌進軍物聯網平台市場,打造全新的線上線下整合平台,運用統一端點管理(UEM)平台來管控各種硬體裝置與物聯網在內的所有端點,攜手全球夥伴一同邁向物聯網時代之商業營運模式轉型。

飛捷科技與StarFab Accelerator共同成立「飛捷x StarFab加速器」,聚焦智慧零售、餐旅、醫療、ESG與機器人相關領域,期透過外部創新能量,加速建立產業創新生態系。入選加速器計畫的新創及中小企業,將享有飛捷科技與StarFab共同輔導資源,透過加速器機制協助新創夥伴導入既有場域,取得與飛捷業務合作、新台幣300萬元以上加速基金投資的機會。

Being the third largest POS manufacturer in the world, Flytech Technology(TPE:6206) has been innovating, designing, and manufacturing worldwide renowned hardware solutions for industries such as Hospitality, Retail, Medical, Healthcare, Manufacturing, and various commercial settings. Main product lines include POS, KIOSK, Panel PC, Tablet, and Box PC. Earlier this year, Flytech launched inefi, an in-house-developed cloud-based UEM platform, to tap the IoT market for continuously evolving and pushing the boundaries of innovative technologies.

The FlyTech x StarFab Accelerator Program is designed to fast track tech startups in the following verticals: Smart Retail, Hospitality (F&B, hotels, etc.), Healthcare, Manufacturing, and Automobile. Qualified startups selected by Flytech will have the chance to access product development resources, and a worldwide sale network, in addition to strategic investment.

Join us to be bigger and do more with Flytech together!

全年開放報名,今年度開放 3 梯次進行申請,截止日前報名者將進入該梯次審核流程:

Website: https://zh.starfabx.com/flytech-x-starfab-accelerator-program/
Contact: Ed Chang 張宇諄 | edchang@starfabx.com | (02) 2703-8738 #21
聯絡人姓名 | What is your full name? *
聯絡人職稱 | What is your current role on your team?
Email *
聯絡人電話 | Phone Number *
公司全職人數 | How many full-time members are currently on your team? *
創辦人與核心團隊介紹(如工作經歷、創業經驗)、創業動機 | Briefly introduce your co-founders, core team members(e.g. work & entrepreneurship experience), and the motivation behind founding your current startup. *
公司登記名稱 | Company's Legal Name *
公司常用名稱 | Company's Operating Name
公司所在國家 | In which country is your company located? *
公司所在城市 | In which city is your company located? *
創辦日期 | When was your company launched? *
發展領域 | Which of the following categories best describes your startup? *
公司簡介 | Company Intro *
請包含核心技術、欲解決的痛點、產品/解決方案 | Introduce your core technology, the problem you are tackling, and how you are solving this problem.
產品/解決方案發展階段 | Which of the following options best describes your product status? *
產品及客戶屬性 | What is your sales model? *
主要營收模式 | Which of the following best describes your revenue model? *
產品銷售市場分布(已銷售國家) | Please list the countries where your product has been successfully sold. *
產品銷售目標市場(預計銷售國家) | Which countries will be your target markets in the next 2 years? *
請分享公司目前最亮眼的成就(如實際訂單/定期收入、既有客戶、指標性合作夥伴)  | What are your most significant achievements so far?(e.g. Notable clients/ partners, awards or certifications obtained, growth rate)
公司官網 | If your website is up and running, let us know!
您是否有公司相關技術、產品/解決方案的展示影片 | If you have a demo video of your solution, we'd love to see it!
請提供公司介紹的簡報下載連結 | Pitch deck URL *
請包含以下項目 1)產品/解決方案介紹 2)產品/技術的競爭力 3)目標市場 4)商業模式 5)核心團隊 6)獲獎紀錄/募資狀況/特殊成就。

Please include in your pitch deck: 1)Detailed description of your product/solution 2)Competitive advantage 3)Target market 4)Business model 5)Core team members 6)Awards, Traction, Fundraising record
您希望如何與飛捷合作、獲取哪些資源? | How do you wish to work with Flytech? *
貴公司是否已募過資 | Have you raised funds before? *
目前募資階段 | What is the current fundraising stage of your company/team? *
到目前爲止内部增資累積的金額(美金) | How much capital have you raised internally? (USD) *
 對外募資累積的金額(美金) | How much capital have you raised externally? (USD) *
未來一年内募資/内部增資的計劃| How much capital will you be raising within the next 12 months?(USD) *
下一輪募資/增資的用途 | How will you use the funds from the next fundraising round? *
之前是否有參加過任何加速器計劃、育成計劃、創新創業競賽等相關計劃?若有,請提供計畫名稱  | Have you joined any incubation or acceleration programs before? Which programs have you participated in? *
如何得知計劃 | How did you hear about this program? *
經由哪一單位推薦參加計畫? | Let us know who referred you to us!
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