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  • The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't done with the Avengers, but that doesn't mean that fans should expect more of the same.


  • Speaking with MTV News at San Diego Comic-Con 2019, studio boss Kevin Feige revealed that Mighty Marvel indeed has plans for its flagship superhero team moving forward,

    根據 MTV 新聞在聖地牙哥國際動漫博覽會的採訪,製片老闆 Kevin Feige 揭露,漫威的確對它們招牌英雄隊伍的未來有打算,

  • but that said team will look quite a bit different from what we're used to.


  • This shouldn't come as too big of a shock, because in terms of brand recognition, the Avengers name is without equal in the world of mainstream film.


  • Each of the four films that have been released so far with that word in the title have grossed over a billion dollars at the worldwide box office.


  • The "Infinity"-saga-culminating "Avengers: Endgame" even became the all-time box office champion, surpassing the decade-old record previously held by James Cameron's "Avatar".

    無限寶石系列的最終一曲「復仇者聯盟:終局之戰」擊敗幾十年的最高票房紀錄保持者──James Cameron 的「阿凡達」,成為票房冠軍。

  • Magnificent! Magnificent! Magnificent!

    太優秀了!太優秀了! 太優秀了!

  • According to Feige, a new iteration of the Avengers is on the horizon, but it's not likely to feature many, if any, revamped versions of heroes we're familiar with.

    根據 Feige 所說,新的聯盟組合就要誕生了,就算有改頭換面的舊英雄在其中,也不會有太多。

  • The King Geek was asked point-blank by MTV News if he and the rest of the Marvel Studios Brain Trust know what the next Avengers team will look like, and he replied, "Yes."

    MTV 直截了當地問他,他與其他的漫威智囊團知不知道接下來的復仇者聯盟會長什麼樣子,他的回答是:「知道。」

  • After a lengthy pause, Feige continued, "It will be a very different team than what we've seen before; that's what Endgame was all about."

    停頓了許久, Feige 繼續說到:「新隊伍會與過去相當不同,這就是終局之戰的用意。」

  • "It will be a very different incarnation of the team, with some people you've already met, and some people you haven't met yet."


  • Whatever form this team eventually takes, it seems safe to say that we won't see another proper Avengers film for quite some time,


  • considering that the entirety of Marvel's Phase Four slate was announced during the studio's rapturously received Comic-Con panel.


  • And there was nary a giant team-up flick to be found.


  • There may be a few clues, however, hidden in the details we know so far about Phase Four and beyond.


  • First, it's been revealed that two prominent characters will be getting their introductions by way of standalone solo flicks in the coming years.


  • One during Phase Four, and one during Phase Five.


  • February 12th, 2021 will see the release of "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings", which will introduce audiences worldwide to the legendary Master of Kung Fu, along withdrumroll, pleasethe actual Mandarin.

    2021 年 2 月 12 號,「上氣:十環幫傳奇」即將上映並向全世界觀眾介紹這位傳說中的功夫大師,還有... 聽好囉... 「滿大人」本尊!

  • You want something? Take it.


  • Although, the guns are all fake 'cause those (beep) wouldn't trust me with the real ones.


  • What?


  • We said the actual Mandarin!


  • Get outta here, Trevor!

    Trevor 走開!

  • Anyway...


  • Marvel hopes that the flick with its mostly Asian cast and behind-the-camera talent will be the kind of paradigm-shifting event that 2018's "Black Panther" proved to be.

    漫威希望這部亞裔卡司眾星與幕後天才們能夠將這部電影和 2018 年的「黑豹」一樣提供範式轉移的效果。

  • And if this works out like we all know it probably will, the character would be a fine inclusion in team-up films in the future.


  • In the comics, Shang-Chialthough he has no superpowers for most of his heroic careeris among the finest unarmed combatants in existence, more than capable of going toe-to-toe with superpowered opponents.


  • Phase Five will bring us the solo vehicle for that deadly, smack-talking, half-human-half-vampire Blade, who was portrayed by Wesley Snipes in the successful film trilogy of the late '90s and early 2000s.

    漫威第五階段會有刀鋒戰士的獨立電影,致命又愛嗆聲的半人半吸血鬼刀鋒戰士在 90 年末和 2000 年初的三部曲由 Wesley Snipes 飾演。

  • In the MCU, the Daywalker will be played by two-time Oscar winner Mahershala Ali, and it seems unlikely that Marvel would cast an actor of that caliber without having some pretty big plans for the future.

    但在漫威宇宙這位「日行者」將由兩次奧斯卡獎認證的 Mahershala Ali 飾演,漫威會請到如此大咖的演員一定代表對未來有很大的打算。

  • Save for those two additions to some potential super squad... well, who knows?


  • Feige suggested to MTV News that, though there may never be another culmination of a decade-long arc like "Endgame", that doesn't mean that the future of the MCU won't play host to some thrilling events.

    Feige 向 MTV 提到,或許不會再有像終局之戰已醞釀一樣已醞釀 10 年的系列完結大作,但這不帶表未來漫威宇宙就不會再有精彩刺激的事件發生。

  • He elaborated, "That's what I love about the Marvel comic method of storytelling."


  • "I love things that build up, they build to a crescendo, they all get together, they separate, they change."


  • "And now that we get to do that, not just in movies but on these mega-event series on Disney+, it's just invigorated all of us at Marvel Studios to keep going."

    「現在我們可以這麼做,不只是在電影裡,還有在 Disney+ 的大規模系列,這些鼓勵我們大家繼續努力。」

  • Feige and company certainly haven't steered us wrong so far, and like you, we can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the years ahead.

    Feige 和漫威公司目前還沒有引錯路,我們都一樣期待漫威接下來的電影。

  • It'll be interesting to see whether Marvel can make household names out of some relatively lesser-known characters yet again, which is almost certainly the plan, and we wouldn't bet against them.


  • Check out one of our newest videos right here!


  • Plus, even more Looper videos about your favorite stuff are coming soon.

    Looper 還有更多你喜歡的主題的影片即將出來!

  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit the bell so you don't miss a single one.

    訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道並開啟通知,你才不會錯過任何一部影片。

The Marvel Cinematic Universe isn't done with the Avengers, but that doesn't mean that fans should expect more of the same.


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終局之後呢?漫威揭曉下一屆復仇者聯盟組合!(Marvel Knows What The Next Avengers Team Will Be Like)

  • 18429 469
    Ingrid 發佈於 2019 年 07 月 31 日



US /rɪˈvil/

UK /rɪ'vi:l/

  • v. 顯現 ; 顯示 ; 顯露 ; 透露 ; 洩漏 ; 揭發 ; 默示 ; 啟示 ; 窗框 ; 暴露 ; 表露 ; 示

US /ˈkepəbəl/

UK /'keɪpəbl/

  • adj.

US /ˈprɑmənənt/

UK /ˈprɒmɪnənt/

  • adj. 突出的 ; 顯眼的 ; 顯著的 ; 傑出的 ; 卓越的 ; 著名的;顯著的;凸出的

US /ˈfitʃɚ/

UK /'fi:tʃə(r)/

  • n. 特別報導;專欄;容貌 ; 特徵 ; 使特別顯著 ; 特寫 ; 特點
  • v. 由...主演
  • adj. 主要的;重要的

US /ˈdɛkˌed, dɛˈked/

UK /ˈdekeɪd/

  • n. 十年

US /ɪɡˈzɪstəns/

UK /ɪɡ'zɪstəns/

  • n. 實在 ; 存在 ; 實存 ; 生活 ; 生存 ; 發生 ; 實體 ; 存在物

US /ʃɪft/

UK /ʃɪft/

  • v. 變化,改變;轉移,移動
  • n. 轉移;輪班職工;班;輪班
  • adj. 輪班的

US /bet/

UK /bet/

  • v. 打賭 ; 賭注 ; 賭品 ; 賭
  • n. 賭注

US /ˈpærəˌdaɪm, -ˌdɪm/

UK /ˈpærədaɪm/

  • n. 範例 ; 模範;範例

US /ˌrɛkəɡˈnɪʃən/

UK /ˌrekəgˈnɪʃn/

  • n. 承認:公認;賞識;表彰;承認;認可;賞識;表彰;認出;識別


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