2022 Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Program

Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Study Program

Let's study Japanese this winter!!!

The Center for Japanese Language Education at Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU) will launch an online version of the "Intensive Japanese Language and Culture Study Program" this winter. This is a three-week program, offering two different levels for Japanese language classes, elementary and intermediate. All sessions will be delivered in live stream interactive format and to maximize the opportunities for participants to communicate with native Japanese speakers, KGU school volunteers will participate as "Nihongo Partner" in classes and work together to accomplish tasks and projects.

The program will not only focus on language studies. In addition to the regular language classes, students will also be able to participate in Japanese Culture study sessions.


How to Apply

Students will need to be nominated to take part in the above program. Please contact your Home University's International Office for details regarding the procedure.
If your institution has not received the link, please have them email the KGU Incoming Short Programs Team (kgu-short@kwansei.ac.jp) as soon as possible.