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字幕列表 影片播放

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  • This is the Netflix's Originals category.

    這是 Netflix 的原創作品類別。

  • You're probably used to seeing a bunch of new shows when you scroll through, but have you noticed a lot more anime recently?


  • It's not just because you watch "Aggretsuko" on your lunch break.


  • Netflix's Director of Anime, Taito Okiura, said it planned to add 30 new anime series that year, and the company has already announced over a dozen anime series coming in 2019.

    Netflix 公司的動漫總監大倉太東表示他們計劃在一年內增加 30 部新的動漫影集,而且該公司已經宣佈在 2019 年將有十多部動漫片問世。

  • Adding tons of content might sound like business as usual for Netflix, but all of this anime could actually be Netflix's secret weapon in its fight against Disney.

    加入大量影片內容對於 Netflix 來說聽起來像往常一樣,但這些動漫其實可能是 Netflix 對抗 Disney 的秘密武器。

  • (Why Netflix is Using Anime to Take On Disney)

    (Netflix 為何利用動漫對抗 Disney)

  • The Netflix versus Disney arc has already begun.

    Netflix 與 Disney 的爭奪戰已經開始了。

  • Disney's own streaming service, Disney+, will launch in 2019.

    Disney 自己的串流媒體體 Disney+ 將於 2019 年推出。

  • As the launch of Disney+ gets closer, more and more Disney content has been leaving Netflix.

    隨著 Disney+ 的推出越來越近,越來越多的 Disney 影片已經撤出了 Netflix。

  • There was a time when a new "Avengers" movie was almost guaranteed to show up on Netflix, but that's no longer the case, now that their distribution deal has ended.

    曾經有一段時間,新的 《復仇者聯盟》系列電影幾乎都會保證出現在 Netflix 上,但現在已經不是這樣了,畢竟他們的分銷協議已經結束。

  • Because Disney owns so much content, Netflix could lose big names like Pixar, Lucasfilm, Marvel, and even 20th Century Fox.

    因為 Disney 擁有如此多的影片內容,Netflix 可能失去有名片商,像皮克斯、盧卡斯影業、漫威,甚至是二十世紀影業,

  • And Disney isn't the only company launching their own streaming service.

    而 Disney 並不是唯一推出他們自己的串流媒體體服務的公司。

  • WarnerMedia, the parent company of the CW, HBO, and DC, is launching a new service in 2019.

    CW 的母公司華納媒體、HBO 和 DC 在 2019 年即將推出一項新服務。

  • So, besides Disney's content, Netflix might also have to say goodbye to films and shows owned by WarnerMedia, like "Friends" and "Riverdale".

    所以,除了 Disney 的影片,Netflix 可能得向華納媒體公司擁有的電影和節目說再見,像是《六人行》和 《河谷鎮》。

  • As more entertainment companies start their own streaming services, Netflix will be forced to rely on its own original content.

    隨著越來越多的娛樂公司開始自己的流串流媒體服務,Netflix 將被迫依靠自己的原創內容。

  • But just like Midoriya cleaning up the beach, Netflix has been busy.


  • Over the past few years, Netflix has ramped up production of original content, producing more than five times the number of shows in 2018 than in 2016.

    在過去幾年中,Netflix 加大了原創內容的製作力度,2018 年的節目數量是 2016 年的五倍多。

  • And analysts think Netflix could spend around $15 billion on original content in 2019.

    分析師認為 Netflix 可能在 2019 年在原創內容上花費約 150 億美元。

  • For comparison, HBO usually spends around $2 billion.

    作為比較,HBO 通常花費 20 億美元左右。

  • In addition to its live action shows, Netflix has added original anime series, like "Castlevania" and "DEVILMAN crybaby".

    除了其真人秀節目外,Netflix 增加了原創動漫系列,像《惡魔城》和 《惡魔人Crybaby》,

  • And they have plenty of anime classics, like "Fullmetal Alchemist" and "Bleach".

    而且他們有很多經典的動漫片,像 《鋼之鍊金術師》和 《BLEACH死神》。

  • But Netflix isn't just buying a lot of anime; they're changing the way deals are made in the anime industry.

    但 Netflix 並不只是購買大量的動漫,他們正在改變動漫行業的交易方式。

  • Normally, several different companies negotiate together to produce, fund, and distribute a show.


  • That way, the risk is distributed across all the companies.


  • Netflix, on the other hand, is willing to take on more of the risk on its own.

    另一方面,Netflix 願意自己承擔更多風險。

  • In March, Netflix announced partnerships with three Japanese production houses, adding to the two partnerships it already had.

    今年 3 月,Netflix 宣布與三家日本製作公司建立合作夥伴關係,這增加了它已經擁有的兩個合作夥伴關係。

  • These production houses will create five new anime series for Netflix.

    這些製作公司將為 Netflix 製作五個新的動漫系列。

  • Working conditions in the anime industry can be strenuous, with long hours and slim margins.


  • Many are hoping that direct deals with Netflix could allow for greater creative freedom and larger profits for production houses.

    許多人希望與 Netflix 的直接交易可以為製作公司帶來更大的創作自由和更大的利潤。

  • And because Netflix is available in over 190 countries, it's possible that having these anime series on Netflix could bring in a broader audience.

    由於 Netflix 在 190 多個國家/地區提供服務,因此在 Netflix 上播放這些動漫系列可能會吸引更廣泛的觀眾。

  • But why is Netflix putting so much focus on anime specifically?

    但為什麼 Netflix 如此專注於動漫呢?

  • Anime could be a big differentiator between Netflix and Disney+.

    動漫可能是 Netflix 和 Disney+ 之間的一大區別。

  • Disney's original content doesn't include any anime, and Disney has said that their service will be family-oriented.

    Disney 的原創內容不包括任何動漫。 Disney 曾表示,他們的內容將以家庭為導向。

  • So, it probably won't include mature content seen in shows like Netflix's "DEVILMAN crybaby".

    因此,它可能不會收錄像在 Netflix 上的《惡魔人Crybaby》這樣成熟的內容。

  • Having an entire category of content that Disney+ lacks could be a huge advantage for Netflix, especially since demand for anime has continued to grow over the last decade.

    擁有 Disney+ 缺乏影片類別對 Netflix 來說可能是一個巨大的優勢,尤其是過去十年對動漫的需求持續增長,

  • But not everyone is happy about Netflix announcing that they're gonna combine with all of this anime.

    但並不是每個人都對 Netflix 宣布他們將與所有這些動漫合作感到高興。

  • We're gonna combine?


  • They're gonna combine?


  • They're gonna combine?


  • Funimation's President, Gen Fukunaga, heavily criticized Netflix when it acquired the rights to stream "Neon Genesis Evangelion".

    Funimation 的總裁福永元在 Netflix 獲得了《新世紀福音戰士》的播放權時嚴厲批評了該公司。

  • Fukunaga and others worry that good anime series will get buried in Netflix's large library instead of getting the larger release they deserve.

    福永和其他人擔心,好的動漫系列會被埋沒在 Netflix 的大型媒體庫中,而不是獲得他們應得的重視,

  • And Netflix isn't without competition in the anime streaming space.

    Netflix 在動漫串流媒體領域並非沒有競爭。

  • Anime streaming giant Crunchyroll, now owned by AT&T, boasts 45 million users and 2 million subscribers.

    現在由 AT&T 擁有的動漫串流媒體龍頭 Crunchyroll 擁有 4500 萬用戶和 200 萬訂閱者。

  • In March, Crunchyroll announced an expanded partnership with Adult Swim, allowing Adult Swim to air more of the content available on Crunchyroll on TV.

    在 3 月份,Crunchyroll 宣布擴大與 Adult Swim 的合作夥伴關係,允許 Adult Swim 在電視上播放更多 Crunchyroll 上可用的內容。

  • A similar agreement allowed Adult Swim to air "Mob Psycho 100" last year.

    去年,一項類似的協議允許 Adult Swim 播放《路人超能100》。

  • Hulu also boasts an impressive anime library, and it has even acquired exclusive streaming rights to "One Punch Man" season 2.

    Hulu 還擁有令人印象深刻的動漫庫,甚至還獲得了《一拳超人》第 2 季的獨家流媒體播放權,

  • And now that Disney owns a 60% stake in Hulu, they might have an opening to the anime world after all.

    而現在 Disney 擁有 Hulu 60% 的股份,他們最終可能還是會對動漫世界敞開大門。

  • Netflix's anime journey is less of a Netero versus Meruem and more of an Eren Yeager versus a world of titans.

    Netflix 的動漫之旅與其比擬成是尼特羅對上梅路艾姆,比較像是艾連·葉卡對上巨人們。

  • We'll have to wait to see the broader impacts of Netflix's anime investment, but all this content is definitely good news for anime fans.

    我們會等著看到 Netflix 對動漫投資的更廣泛影響,但這些影片內容對於動漫迷來說絕對是個好消息。

  • There are fewer barriers than ever for fans across the globe to get into new anime series.


  • There's going to be a lot to watch in 2019.

    2019 年將有很多值得關注的事情。

  • Our My Lists won't be getting shorter anytime soon.


This is the Netflix's Originals category.

這是 Netflix 的原創作品類別。

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