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Hi, my name's Rebecca from Engvid.com.
大家好,我是 Engvid.com 的 Rebecca。
Today, you're going to learn how to speak more professionally in business situations.
Now, at times, it's alright to use informal language.
It's acceptable in everyday situations.
But there are times when you'll want to create a more powerful impression, and at that time, you want to be able to use business English.
What's the difference between general English and business English?
Well, sometimes, there is not very much difference.
Sometimes general English is used in business context.
But sometimes, you use a higher-level word.
And that's what I'm going to teach you in this lesson.
Let's look at some really easy, common examples.
For example, if you say, or if you want to say, "I got your e-mail."
In regular English, you might just say, "I got your e-mail."
通常我們會直接說「I got your e-mail.」。
What would you say if you want to make it business English?
You could say⏤I'm giving you a clue, the word starts with "r".
你可以說...我給你一個小線索,它是一個 r 開頭的字。
Instead of saying, "I got your e-mail," "I received your e-mail," okay?
不說「I got your e-mail.」的話,你可以說「I received your e-mail. (我收到你的郵件了)」,懂嗎?
Now it becomes more formal and more business-like.
Suppose you want to tell someone "I need your help" or "I need some help."
What word could you use that starts with "r" instead of "need"?
你可以用什麼 r 開頭的字代替 need?
Require (需要;要求)。
So, instead of saying⏤and you can also change more than the verb.
The verb is the key, but you could say⏤instead of saying, "I need some help," you could say, "I require some assistance."
動詞是關鍵。但除了說「I need some help. (我需要幫忙)」,你也可以說「I require some assistance. (我需要一些協助)」。
Now you've changed two words, the verb and also a noun.
Let's try another one.
Let's "talk about" it later.
Let's talk about it later. (我們晚點再談)。
Which business word could you use?
Let's "discuss".
Let's discuss. (一起討論)。
Let's discuss it later.
Let's discuss it later. (我們等等再來討論吧)。
That sounds much more professional than saying, "Let's talk about it later."
這樣聽起來比「Let's talk about it later.」專業得多。
Next one.
How do I "get in touch" with her?
What word could you use instead of that?
How do I "contact" her?
How do I contact her? (我要如何聯絡她)。
Okay? Good.
Please "make sure" you arrive on time.
Please make sure you arrive on time. (請確定你會準時抵達)。
Which business word could you use instead of "make sure"?
除了 make sure,你可以用什麼字?
Please "ensure", okay?
Please ensure you arrive on time.
了解嗎?Please ensure you arrive on time. (請確保你會準時抵達)。
Please "give" her your "travel plans".
Please give her your travel plans. (請給她你的旅遊規劃)。
Instead of saying "give", you could say, please "provide her with your itinerary".
除了「給 (give)」,你也可以說請「提供 (provide)」她你的旅遊規劃。
There, we've changed another word.
Instead of saying "travel plan" or "travel plans", you could use the word "itinerary".
如果不要說「travel plan」或「travel plans」,你可以用「itinerary」。
An itinerary is usually a piece of paper or document that lists your travel plans.
When you're departing, when you're arriving; where, when, and so on.
Please "let them know" when you'll be arriving.
Please let them know when you're be arriving. (請讓他們知道你什麼時候會到)。
Please let them know.
Please let them know. (請讓他們知道)。
Instead of that, you could say, "Please inform them of your arrival."
除了這個,你可以說 Please inform them of your arrival. (請告知他們你抵達的時間)。
Ok? Good.
Please "tell me why" you've made this decision.
Please tell me why you've made this decision. (請告訴我你為什麼做了這個決定)。
Please "explain" your decision.
Please explain your decision. (請解釋你的決策)。
Could you please "talk some more" about that subject?
Could you please talk some more about that subject? (可以請你多說點有關這個主題的細節嗎?)。
Could you please "elaborate"?
Could you please elaborate on that?
Could you please elaborate on that? (你可以針對這點多加詳述嗎?)。
Now, this is actually a very useful word.
elaborate 是個非常實用的字。
If you go to a conference or a meeting and you want someone to speak some more about a particular point or issue, it's a good, kind of, question to learn.
Could you please elaborate on that?
Could you please elaborate on that? (你可以對此多加詳述嗎?)。
So, "to elaborate" means to speak more or talk more; give more information.
所以 elaborate 的意思是請對方多做點說明、多提供點資訊。
How are you going to "fix this problem"?
Umm..how are you going to fix this problem? (嗯...你覺得怎麼解決這個問題?)。
Better than using the word "fix" is the word "solve".
solve 這個說法會比 fix 來得好。
How are you going to solve this problem?
How are you going to solve this problem? (你要如何解決這個問題?)。
So, try to do that.
For every simple word that you know and basic word that you know in general English, try to find a slightly more formal version which will be your business English word.
And use these words in an office environment.
If you found this video helpful, please subscribe to my channel on YouTube.
如果你覺得這個影片很實用,可以訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道。
And if you'd like to do a quiz on this subject, you can also go to our website, www.engvid.com.
如果你想做個小測驗,你也可以到我們的網站 www.engvid.com。
Thanks very much; good luck with your English!