夜稻埕|客家豆漿死背秀 / HAKKA SPECIAL

  • 2023/10/25 (三)
  • 臺北市 大同區 貴德街51號1樓喝喝 wine hēhē 貴德工作室

客家豆漿死背秀(HAKKA SPECIAL)是一支充滿活力和幽默感的團隊,由客家姑娘穎珍、客家帥哥APOW、俏玄組成。我們專注於將客家文化融入娛樂,透過笑聲和文化知識的分享,為觀眾帶來獨一無二的演出體驗。

"HAKKA SPECIAL" is a dynamic and humorous team that revolves around the rich cultural heritage of the Hakka people. Comprising the talented trio of Yingzhen, the Hakka gal, APOW, the charismatic Hakka gentleman, and Qiaoxuan, our cultural enthusiast, we are dedicated to infusing entertainment with laughter and cultural enlightenment.






Hakka Soybean Stand-up: A Hakka Special 

"Hakka Soybean Stand-up: A Hakka Special" is a riotous feast brought to you by Hakka girl Yingzhen, the handsome Hakka lad Apow, and the vivacious Yixuan! The name "soybean" in the title is not about breakfast; it's a Hakka word that means "beautiful," and it foretells the most charming Hakka cultural humor you'll experience in this show. 

Yingzhen, Ji Hong, and Yixuan are your guides, using jokes and improvisational comedy to lead you through the wondrous maze of Hakka culture. It's not just about telling jokes; it's also a grand showcase of cultural knowledge. This isn't just a show; it's a whimsical journey of learning through laughter, embracing love through humor, and exploring Taiwan's diverse culture through comedy. 

We've even prepared a special glass of fine wine to savor while you enjoy the laughter – laughter inebriation at its finest! 

Whether you're a Hakka or a visitor from afar, we guarantee you'll find resonance in this show. It's belly-busting laughter that also provides deeper insight into Taiwan's unique and multifaceted cultural charm. 

So, remember to bring your good mood and appetite because this is a banquet where Hakka culture, laughter, and fine wine come together. You absolutely won't want to miss it! Let's taste the flavors of Taiwan's culture through laughter in "Hakka Soybean Stand-up: A Hakka Special!"


合作店家:喝喝 wine hēhē 貴德工作室


  • 0225521367
  • ask@tttifa.com