教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: History and Culture of Taiwan


Type of Credit: Partially Required






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description

The prime motivation of offering the course entitled History and Culture of Taiwan by the lecturer is to answer a major question of how today's Taiwan has been shaped on the island over the past four centuries, with a special focus on its modern period. Thus, this course will mainly deal with various topics of history and culture in modern Taiwan, covering a period between 1895 and 1955 during which the 51-year-long Japanese colonial rule and the Nationalist Chinese rule in early postwar Taiwan will be covered.
However, the lecturer will start with several talks about Taiwan history prior to the 20th century, particularly with various topics focusing on the influences brought about on the island by the Dutch and the Spanish in 17th century and by the English, the American and the French in 19th century respectively.
Nevertheless, the central concern of the course is how Taiwan history and culture had experienced various changes and developments during the period when Japan and China imposed their various policies over Taiwan society one after another. In other words, this course offers talks centered on Taiwan history and culture without overlooking their close connections with outer worlds such as Asian nations and the West.


核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

    Students in the course are expected to read some supplementary sources written in Chinese and English languages. Films related to the course topics will be added in class for watching.

    Teaching approach
    Lecture: 50%
    Discussion 20%
    Group discussion 20%
    E-learning 10%


    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements

    教學週次Course Week 彈性補充教學週次Flexible Supplemental Instruction Week 彈性補充教學類別Flexible Supplemental Instruction Type





    Course objectives

    The prime motivation of offering the course entitled History and Culture of Taiwan by the lecturer is to answer a major question of how today's Taiwan has been shaped on the island over the past four centuries, with a special focus on its modern period. Thus, this course will mainly deal with various topics of history and culture in modern Taiwan, covering a period between 1895 and 1955 during which the 51-year-long Japanese colonial rule and the Nationalist Chinese rule in early postwar Taiwan will be covered.

    However, the lecturer will start with several talks about Taiwan history prior to the 20th century, particularly with various topics focusing on the influences brought about on the island by the Dutch and the Spanish in 17th century and by the English, the American and the French in 19th century respectively.

    Nevertheless, the central concern of the course is how Taiwan history and culture had experienced various changes and developments during the period when Japan and China imposed their various policies over Taiwan society one after another. In other words, this course offers talks centered on Taiwan history and culture without overlooking their close connections with outer worlds such as East Asian nations and the West.



    上課進度 Syllabus













    The Dutch in Taiwan in the 17th Century





    1. 賀安娟 (Ann Heylen),〈荷蘭統治之下的台灣教會語言學:荷蘭語言政策與原住民識字能力的引進 (1624-1662)〉,(簡體版)

    2. Chiu, Hsin-hui, The Colonial 'Civilizing Process' in Dutch Formosa, 1624-1662 (Tanap Monographs on the History of Asian-European Interaction) (Library Binding), Brill Academic Publishers; illustrated edition (June 15, 2008)

    **3. Tonio Andrade, How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century (Gutenberg-e) (Hardcover), Columbia University Press (May 15, 2008) (歐陽泰 (Tonio Andrade)著,鄭維中譯《福爾摩沙如何變成臺灣府?》遠流,2007)

    4. 公共電視製作,《打拚 -台灣人民的歷史》,2007 DVD



    Chapter 2-3, pp.40-79.

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    The Rise and Fall of the Spanish Colony in Taiwan



    **1.鮑曉鷗: 《西班牙人的台灣體驗》南天書局: 2008

    2. 李毓中、吳孟真譯著《西班牙人在臺灣》,




    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    The Untold Story of Koxingka’s Victory over the West




    1.Tonio Andrade, How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century (Gutenberg-e) (Hardcover), Columbia University Press (May 15, 2008) (歐陽泰 (Tonio Andrade)著,鄭維中譯《福爾摩沙如何變成臺灣府?》遠流,2007)


    **2. Tonio Andrade, Lost Colony : The Untold Story of Koxingka’s Victory over the West, Princeton University Press (October 3, 2011)

    Jonathan Clements , Coxinga and the Fall of the Ming Dynasty , The History Press (October 25, 2005)


    高格孚,Stéphane Corcuff 《中華鄰國—台灣閾境性》(允晨)


    公共電視製作,《打拚 -台灣人民的歷史》,2007 DVD




    (Introduction and Conclusion parts of Andrade’s book)

    An hour lecture and an hour documentary-watching

    Three hours including two hours’documentary-watching activity


    British Footprints on Taiwan: Consulate, Trading Firms, and Presbyterian Churche


    **1.Henry Tsai, Maritime Taiwan: Historical Encounters With East and West (East Gate Books), M.E. Sharpe (December 30, 2008)

    2.Evelyn Rawski, Education and Popular Literacy in Ch'ing China, University of Michigan Press (April 1, 1979)

    3.Cynthia J. Brokaw and Kai-Wing Chow , Commerce in Culture: The Sibao Book Trade in the Qing and Republican Periods (Harvard East Asian Monographs), University of California Press, 2005. [4.Review Article by Yusushi Oki, Foundations of Literacy in Premodern China: A New Study of Book Culture in the Qing and Republican Periods, in International Journal of Asian Studies, 6, 1, (2009) pp.103-111]


    5. 費德廉 《看見十九世紀台灣:十四位西方旅行者的福爾摩沙故事》


    6. Henrietta Harrison, Natives of Formosa : British reports of the Taiwan indigenous people, 1650-1950, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. : Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aborigines, c2001


    **者為指定學生閱讀資料(Chapter4, pp63-86.)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    A strategic Vantage Point : The French Campaign in Taiwan


    1.Henry Tsai, Maritime Taiwan: Historical Encounters With East and West (East Gate Books), M.E. Sharpe (December 30, 2008)

    2.陳季同 著,《陳季同法文著作譯叢》(桂林市 : 廣西師范大學出版社, 2006) ([1],中國人的快樂/()陳季同著;韓一宇譯--[2],吾國--[3],中國人自畫像--[4],中國人的戲劇--[5],巴黎印象記)

    3. 李華川,《晚清一個外交官的文化歷程》(北京市 : 北京大學出版社, 2004)

    4. 黃昭堂著 ; 廖為智譯 ,《台灣民主國之研究》(臺北市 : 財團法人現代學術研究基金會, 1993.

    **5. Lamley Harry, The 1895 Taiwan Republic: A Significant Episode in Modern Chinese History, Journal of Asian Studies, 27:4, 1968, 739-762.

    6. F. Q. Quo, “British diplomacy and the Cession of Formosa,” In: Modern Asian Studies 2: 2 (1968), pp. 141-54.




    Whole chapter, pp. 141-54.


    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    Taiwan and the American

    1. Henry Tsai, Maritime Taiwan: Historical Encounters With East and West

    **2. Douglas L. Fix (費德廉)、羅效德編譯《看見十九世紀台灣:十四位西方旅行的福爾摩沙故事》



    (Selecting 1-2 chapters in Fix’s book


    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    Colonial state engineering, cultural construction and Taiwan society (1): Education


    ## In the talk, a general picture of the Japanese colonial education will be

    offered through a combined analysis of the colonial policies and their impacts on

    Taiwan society. A comparison of colonial educational policies and contents will

    be made among Taiwan, Korea and other parts of the Japanese-controlled areas

    such as Manchuria


    **1. Tsurumi, E. Patricia, Japanese Colonial Education in Taiwan, 1895-1945 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977. [中譯本:Tsurumi, E. Patricia著,林正芳譯,《日治時期臺灣教育史》(宜蘭:仰山文教基金會, 1999)]

    2. 周婉窈,〈歷史的統合與建構──日本帝國圈內臺灣、朝鮮和滿洲的「國史」教育〉,《臺灣史研究》,101期,頁33-832003.6PDF

    3. 周婉窈、許佩賢合著。〈臺灣公學校制度、教科與教科書總說〉,《臺灣風物》534,頁119-1452003.12PDF

    4. 許佩賢,《殖民地台灣的近代學校》(台北:遠流出版社,20053)348頁。

    5. 並木真人,〈朝鮮的「殖民地近代性」、「殖民地公共性」和對日協力:殖民地政治史、社會史研究之前置考察〉,《跨界的台灣史研究》,播種者,2004.

    6. Liao, Ping-hui and Wang, David Der-Wei, Taiwan Under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945: History, Culture, Memory (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University) (Hardcover), 2006.

    7. 陳培豐, 《「同化」の同床異夢 : 日治時期臺灣的語言政策、近代化與認同》(臺北市 : 麥田出版 : 家庭傳媒城邦分公司發行, 2006)




    (Conclusion of Tsurumi’s book)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    Colonial state engineering, cultural construction and Taiwan society (2): Women and society



    In the two talks we will be dealing with women issues in Taiwan society by illustrating how the Taiwan women were liberated their traditional role, and gradually turned to a search for a new and modern role through pursuing schooling and social enlightenment during colonial Taiwan.



    **1. Chang, Doris T., Women’s movements in twentieth-century Taiwan, Chicago/Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 2009, 228 S.

    2. 洪郁如,〈日本統治初期士紳階層女性觀之轉變〉,收入《台灣重層近代化論文集》(播種者文化,2000),頁255-282

    3. 洪郁如,《近代台灣女性史》,東京,勁草,2001

    4. 蔡依玲,《從解纏足到自由戀愛》,2007

    5. 楊翠,《日據時期台灣婦女解放運動》,1993

    6. 陳怡君,《 女性自我主體實踐: 論楊千鶴及其作品》,〉(碩士論文,成功大學台灣文學研究所,2007)。

    6. 吳文星,《日據時期臺灣社會領導階層之研究》,頁1-446,臺北:正中書局。1992.



    (Chapter 1 in DorisChang ’s book, pp17-45)

    An hour lecture, and an hour for watching documentary

    Three hours in total


    The Pursuit of Modern Legal Reform in Colonial Taiwan



    The Japanese played a major role in gradually creating a Europe-based modern legal system in Taiwan through gradually conducting legal reforms. How and why did the Meiji Government start its modern legal reform? How did the Meiji Government transfer its experience of legal reform to Taiwan under the Japanese colonialism? In the two talks we will examine issues mentioned above.


    1. Allee, A. Mark, Law and Local Society in Late Imperial China: Northern Taiwan in the Nineteenth Century, Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, 1994 [艾馬克著,王興安譯,《十九世紀的北部臺灣 : 晚清中國的法律與地方社會》;臺北市: 播種者文化, 2003]

    **2. Wang, Tay-sheng, Legal Reform in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule (1895-1945): The Reception of Western Law, Seattle: University of Washington Press. 2000. [王泰升,《台灣日治時期的法律改革》台北:聯經,1999.]

    3. 王泰升,《台灣法的世紀變革》台北:元照,2005,第2- 3章。

    4. 陳昭如,〈日本時代臺灣女性離婚權的形成 權利、性別與殖民主義〉,收入 《台灣重層近代化論文集》(播種者文化,2000),頁211-254

    5. 孫慧敏,(從東京、北京到上海:日系法學教育與中國律師的養成),《法制史研究》第3期,2002,頁157-196



    **者為指定學生閱讀資料(Introduction and Conclusion of Wang’s book)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    Media and Mass Culture




    How did modern media such as radio and film appear, and what were their impacts on the creation of mass culture in 1930s Taiwan? This talk will be discussing questions above, and the limitations of these media faced under the policies of colonial government in Taiwan.



    **1. 李承機,〈ラジオ放送と植民地台湾の大衆文化〉、《戦争・ラジオ・記憶》所收、東京:勉誠出版、20063月。

    2. 李承機,〈1930年代台湾における「読者大衆」の出現─新聞市場の競争化から考える植民地のモダニティ〉、吳密察、垂水千惠、黃英哲主編《記憶する台湾-帝国との相剋》所收、東京:東京大学出版会、20055月。

    3. 李承機,〈殖民地臺灣媒體使用語言的重層構造〉,收錄於若林正丈、吳密察編,《跨界的臺灣史研究》﹝臺北:播種者,2004﹞,頁201-240

    4. 陳芳明,《殖民地摩登:現代性與台灣史觀》﹝臺北:麥田,2004﹞。

    5. 呂紹理,《水螺響起──日治時期台灣社會的生活作息》(台北:遠流,1998)

    6. 呂紹理,〈日治時期台灣廣播工業與收音機市場的形成(1928-1945)〉,《國立政治大學歷史學報》No. 19, 2002.5

    7. 三澤真美惠,〈殖民地時期台灣電影接受過程之「混合式本土化」〉,收入若林正丈、吳密察編,《跨界的台灣史研究: 與東亞史的交錯》﹝臺北:播種者,2004﹞,頁241-270



    (Whole chapter)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    The Intangibility of Identity Politics (1)




    Identity-related issues in colonial Taiwan have been intangible for scholars. In this talk we will be discussing how and why a sense of Taiwanese national consciousness emerged and further developed under changing colonial environment from 1920s to 1940s.


    1. Wu, Rwei-ren,“The Formosan Ideology: Oriental Colonialism and the Rise of Taiwanese Nationalism, 1895-1945 (Ph.D. Dissertation, Chicago University, 2003) {吳叡人,〈福爾摩沙意識形態〉,收錄於《新史學》17:220066月﹞。}

    **2. Ching, Leo T.S., Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2001. 有中譯本.

    3. Tzeng, Shih-jung, From Honto Jin to Bensheng Ren -- the Origin and Development of the Taiwanese National Consciousness, University Press of America, 2009.

    4. Kikuchi, Yuko, ed. Refracted Modernity: Visual Culture and Identity in Colonial Taiwan, University of Hawaii Press (August 2007)


    **者為指定學生閱讀資料(Chapter3-4 in Leo Ching’s book)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    The Intangibility of Identity Politics (2)


    1. Fix, Douglas Lane, Taiwanese Nationalism and Its Late Colonial Context, Dissertation, Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, 1993.

    2. Duus, Peter; Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R. eds., The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996.

    3. Kasza, Cregory J., The State and Mass Media in Japan, 1918-1945. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988.

    4. Ching, Leo T.S., Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2001. [荊子馨著、鄭力軒譯,《成為日本人:殖民地台灣與認同政治》(台北:麥田,2006)]

    5. Tzeng, Shih-jung, “Identity and War - the Taiwanese National Consciousness Under War Mobilization and Kominka Movement: Chen’s & Wu’s diaries (1937-1945)”. In Carsten Storm and Mark Harrison eds., The Margins of Becoming. Identity and Culture in Taiwan. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

    **6. Kushner, Barak, The Thought War: Japanese Imperial Propaganda. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006.

    7. 岩波講座,《 近代日本と植民地 [vol. 1-8]》,東京: 岩波,1993

    近藤正己,《總力戰と台灣 --日本植民地崩壞の研究》,東京: Toumizu1996

    8. 林繼文,《日本據台末期 (19301945) 戰爭動員體系之研究》,台北: 稻鄉,1996

    9. 李永熾,〈「大東亞共榮圈」理念的形成〉,《思與言》,15:6197837-58

    10. 李文卿,《共榮的想像:帝國日本與大東亞文學圈(1937-1945)(政大中文系博士論文,2009)

    11. 鶴見祐甫著, 李永熾譯,《日本精神史, 1931-194》, 台北: 台灣學生書局, 1984. [鶴見俊輔 邱振瑞譯,《戰爭時期日本精神史》﹝臺北:行人,2008﹞。]

    12. 吳密察,〈民俗台灣發刊の時代背景とその性質〉In: 藤井省三等編,《台湾の「大東亜戦争」》(東京: 東京大學,2002)231-266

    13. 周婉窈,《海行兮的時代:日本殖民統治末期臺灣史論集》 (臺北市: 允晨文化,2003)

    14. 周婉窈〈從比較的觀點看台灣與韓國的皇民化運動(19371945)〉,《新史學》第5卷第2期,19946

    15. Haruko Taya Cook & Theodore F. Cook, Japan at War: An Oral History, Phoenix Press, 1992.


    **者為指定學生閱讀資料(Chapter 2 of Tzeng’s book, pp.51-89)

    Two hours for documentary-watching activity

    Three hours including two hours’documentar-watching activity


    Taiwan under Wartime (1937-1945): War Mobilization and Propaganda (1)



    Taiwan was in semi-wartime from 1931, and formally entered the war in 1937. The imperial war mobilization accompanied by war propaganda significantly reshaped people’s lives and ideas. However relatively less research into the period have been done for scholars to present a balanced picture of wartime Taiwan. The two talks will focus our discussions on topics mentioned above.



    1. Fix, Douglas Lane, Taiwanese Nationalism and Its Late Colonial Context, Dissertation, Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, 1993.

    **2. Duus, Peter; Myers, Ramon H. and Peattie, Mark R. eds., The Japanese Wartime Empire, 1931-1945, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996.

    3. Kasza, Cregory J., The State and Mass Media in Japan, 1918-1945. Berkley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988.

    4. Ching, Leo T.S., Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation. Berkeley, Los Angeles and London: University of California Press, 2001. [荊子馨著、鄭力軒譯,《成為日本人:殖民地台灣與認同政治》(台北:麥田,2006)]

    5. Tzeng, Shih-jung, “Identity and War - the Taiwanese National Consciousness Under War Mobilization and Kominka Movement: Chen’s & Wu’s diaries (1937-1945)”. In Carsten Storm and Mark Harrison eds., The Margins of Becoming. Identity and Culture in Taiwan. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.

    **6. Kushner, Barak, The Thought War: Japanese Imperial Propaganda. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2006.

    7. 岩波講座,《 近代日本と植民地 [vol. 1-8]》,東京: 岩波,1993

    近藤正己,《總力戰と台灣 --日本植民地崩壞の研究》,東京: Toumizu1996

    8. 林繼文,《日本據台末期 (19301945) 戰爭動員體系之研究》,台北: 稻鄉,1996

    9. 李永熾,〈「大東亞共榮圈」理念的形成〉,《思與言》,15:6197837-58

    10. 李文卿,《共榮的想像:帝國日本與大東亞文學圈(1937-1945)(政大中文系博士論文,2009)

    11. 鶴見祐甫著, 李永熾譯,《日本精神史, 1931-194》, 台北: 台灣學生書局, 1984. [鶴見俊輔 邱振瑞譯,《戰爭時期日本精神史》﹝臺北:行人,2008﹞。]

    12. 吳密察,〈民俗台灣發刊の時代背景とその性質〉In: 藤井省三等編,《台湾の「大東亜戦争」》(東京: 東京大學,2002)231-266

    13. 周婉窈,《海行兮的時代:日本殖民統治末期臺灣史論集》 (臺北市: 允晨文化,2003)

    14. 周婉窈〈從比較的觀點看台灣與韓國的皇民化運動(19371945)〉,《新史學》第5卷第2期,19946

    15. Haruko Taya Cook & Theodore F. Cook, Japan at War: An Oral History, Phoenix Press, 1992.



    (Mark Peattie’s chapter about Nanshin.)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    Taiwan under Wartime (1937-1945): War Mobilization and Propaganda(2)

    Same as above


    (Chapter1 and Conclusion of Kushner’s book )

    Two hours for documentary-watching

    Three hours including two hours’documentary-watching activity


    The Reconstruction of Society and Culture in Early Postwar Taiwan(1)



    Taiwan was integrated into a Chinese-based sphere of society and Culture from a Japanese-based one. This shift started a series of radical policies guided by the principle of “de-Japanization/ Sinicization” and launched by newly coming Nationalist government.



    1. 王德威,〈一種逝去的文學 ? 反共小說新論〉,《如何現代、怎樣文學 十九、二十世紀中文小說新論》(台北: 麥田,1998)

    **2. Wang, Hong-zen. “Class Structures and Social Mobility in Taiwan in the Initial Post-war Period.” China Journal 48 (July 2002): 55-85.

    3. Taylor, Jay. The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China (Belknap Press) (Hardcover), Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009. 《蔣介石與現代中國的奮鬥》,時報出版,2010

    4. Taylor, Jay, The Generalissimo's Son: Chiang Ching-kuo and the Revolutions in China and Taiwan , Harvard University Press, 2000. (有中譯本,陶涵著 林添貴譯,《蔣經國傳》,時報出版,2009)

    **5. 若林正丈,《台湾――分裂国家と民主化》,(東京大学出版会, 1992年)》,(東京大学出版会, 1992年)

    6.黃英哲, 「去日本化」「再中國化」:戰後台灣文化重建(1945-1947)(台北:麥田出版社,2007)

    **者為指定學生閱讀資料(Wang’s Whole chapte, OR 若林正丈’s Introduction)


    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture


    The Reconstruction of Society and Culture in Early Postwar Taiwan(2)


    1. 王德威,〈一種逝去的文學 ? 反共小說新論〉,《如何現代、怎樣文學 十九、二十世紀中文小說新論》(台北: 麥田,1998)

    2. 林果顯,〈日常生活中的反共知識建構—以『廣播雜誌』為中心(1952-9156)〉,收入 國史館編,《台灣1950-1960的歷史省思》,2007.12

    3. Wang, Hong-zen. “Class Structures and Social Mobility in Taiwan in the Initial Post-war Period.” China Journal 48 (July 2002): 55-85.

    **4. Taylor, Jay. The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China (Belknap Press) (Hardcover), Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2009. 《蔣介石與現代中國的奮鬥》,時報出版,2010

    5. Taylor, Jay, The Generalissimo's Son: Chiang Ching-kuo and the Revolutions in China and Taiwan , Harvard University Press, 2000. (有中譯本,陶涵著 林添貴譯,《蔣經國傳》,時報出版,2009)

    6. 若林正丈,《台湾――分裂国家と民主化》,(東京大学出版会, 1992年)》,(東京大学出版会, 1992年)



    (Jay Taylor’s book, chapter 10,pp.411-453)

    Two hours’ lecture

    Three hours including two hours’ lecture





    (Jay Taylor’s book, chapter 11,pp.454-502)

    Two hours’ lecture



    Documentary-watching activity

    Documentary-watching activity







    Course requirements/Grading standards:


    Students in this course will be expected to submit a term paper written in English language to your lecturer at the end of a semester. Before that, students are expected to let your lecturer know about your proposed topics of term paper in 4th week, and later submit your written proposals of term paper in the 8th-9th week of the semester. Students are required to present their proposals around then.

    . 1. Attendance: 20%

    2. Mid-term proposal and presentation: 30%

    3. Completed term paper 50%



    References: Please refer to references of each talk above.





    Teaching assistant tasks


    Assist with preparing teaching materials and facilities at the class.

    Lead group discussion at the class.




    1. 是□否□ 本課程是否與社群(負責人)討論過課程規劃內容?

    2. 是□否□ 本課程大綱是否達70%的相似度?

    3. 請說明課程的差異內容:




    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其他: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria

    Course requirements/Grading standards:

    Students in this course will be expected to submit a term paper written in English language to your lecturer at the end of a semester. Before that, students are expected to let your lecturer know about your proposed topics of term paper in 4th week, and later submit your written proposals of term paper in the 8th-9th week of the semester. Students are required to present their proposals around then.
    1. Attendance: 20%
    2. Mid-term proposal and presentation: 30%
    3. Completed term paper 50%


    指定/參考書目Textbook & References

    Refer to Course Schedule above.

    已申請之圖書館指定參考書目 圖書館指定參考書查詢 |相關處理要點

    維護智慧財產權,務必使用正版書籍。 Respect Copyright.

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    課程附件Course Attachments

    課程進行中,使用智慧型手機、平板等隨身設備 To Use Smart Devices During the Class

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