教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: Development of Civilizations and Historical Thinking


Type of Credit: Partially Required






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description

This is a historiography and historical theory course that explores the development of history and historical time, particularly in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The most important concepts that the course will examine are historical cycles, historical progress, and the possibility of an 'End of History.' It will introduce students to several major philosophical schools of thought that have affected how we understand history, and through it how we understand our relationship with both the past and the future.

核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

    The course aims to introduce the idea of history as a malleable process that represents past events but is not synonymous with them. To this end, the course will attempt to demonstrate how different thinkers working in different historical and philosophical traditions have approached the task of representing the past and its relationship to the future. The course will also introduce the stakes of historical theory by showing how the dominance of various interpretations of historical time have impacted societies in larger ways.


    The course will combine a single large section in which I will introduce key concepts, figures, and processes using lectures and a variety of multi-media with smaller discussion sections led by teaching assistants. In preparation for each class, you will independently read samples of historical or theoretical writing related to the week’s topics in digital documents available through Moodle. Once every two weeks, you will answer two or three response questions related to the readings. These readings and response questions will form the basis for the teaching assistant-led discussion sections.

    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements

    教學週次Course Week 彈性補充教學週次Flexible Supplemental Instruction Week 彈性補充教學類別Flexible Supplemental Instruction Type

    Each week will begin with a lecture delivered by the instructor that introduces students to a particular school of history writing or a historical thinker. Once the lecture is completed, students will divide into small groups and will participate in a discussion led by one of the course’s teaching assistants. To prepare for these discussions sections, students will be expected to have the done the assigned weekly readings (which will be available on Moodle) and to have written answers to two or three short response questions once every two weeks. The participation and response questions will be worth 30% together.

    There will be two in-class examinations in the course. The first will be worth 30% and the second worth 40%.

    Both the response questions and the examinations may be written in English or Chinese.


    Tentative Course Schedule (note that this schedule is not set in stone; inspiration could strike at any time)

    2/20: Introduction

    2/27: Vico and New Christian History

    3/5: Condorcet and the Enlightenment

    3/12: Hegel and the Post-Enlightenment World

    3/19: Marx and Socialism

    3/26: Herbert Spencer and Evolution

    4/2: Nietzsche and Morality

    4/9: Spengler and the Decline of the West

    4/16: Midterm

    4/23: Freud and Civilisation

    4/30: Walter Benjamin and the Frankfurt School

    5/7:  Arendt and Totalitarianism

    5/14: Dependency and World Systems Analysis

    5/21: Fukuyama and the Last Man

    5/28: Post-Humanism

    6/4: Final Examination

    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其他: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria

    Midterm examination 期中考試: 30%

    Final examination 期末考試: 40%

    Discussion and response questions 討論與回應單: 30%


    Examination Make-up Policy

    If you need to miss an exam because of a planned activity, you should let your teaching assistant or me know in advance so an alternative time can be arranged for a make-up exam. Similarly, if you miss an exam because of an emergency, you should contact us as soon as possible to discuss arranging a time for a make-up exam.


    Attendance for Class Meetings and Discussion Sections

    Attendance is required. You should complete the assigned readings prior to each class meeting. If you know you will miss a class meeting, you should let your teaching assistant or me know as soon as possible.


    Bi-Weekly Response Questions

    Once every two weeks you will answer two to three questions related to the assigned readings in one or two sentences. These questions will help you prepare for the discussion sections.

    指定/參考書目Textbook & References

    There is no required textbook for this course. There will be a 'further reading' list for each lecture that you can use to learn more about a particular topic that you are interested in.

    The course readings for the discussion sections will be available online through Moodle.

    已申請之圖書館指定參考書目 圖書館指定參考書查詢 |相關處理要點

    書名 Book Title 作者 Author 出版年 Publish Year 出版者 Publisher ISBN 館藏來源* 備註 Note

    維護智慧財產權,務必使用正版書籍。 Respect Copyright.

    課程相關連結Course Related Links


    課程附件Course Attachments

    課程進行中,使用智慧型手機、平板等隨身設備 To Use Smart Devices During the Class

    需經教師同意始得使用 Approval
