教學大綱 Syllabus


Course Name: French Speaking World: Francophonie


Type of Credit: Partially Required






Number of Students

課程資料Course Details

課程簡介Course Description

This undergraduate course explores the diverse and dynamic French-speaking world, known as the Francophonie, in the context of the 21st century. Students will examine the cultural, social, political, and linguistic aspects of Francophone countries and communities, with an emphasis on their contemporary realities. Through a range of readings, discussions, multimedia resources, and interactive activities, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Francophonie and its significance in today's global landscape.
These course objectives and learning outcomes will guide the curriculum and help students develop a comprehensive understanding of the French-speaking world and its cultural, linguistic, and social dynamics in the 21st century.

No manuel required.

核心能力分析圖 Core Competence Analysis Chart


    課程目標與學習成效Course Objectives & Learning Outcomes

    The objective is to provide an understanding of the concept of Francophonie and its significance in the 21st century, to explore the linguistic diversity within the Francophone world and its impact on language policies and planning. We will examine the cultural, historical, and social contexts of different Francophone regions and countries.

    By the end of the course, students will be able to: define and explain the concept of Francophonie and its relevance in the contemporary world. Identify and analyze the linguistic diversity within the Francophone world and its impact on language policies. Demonstrate an understanding of the cultural, historical, and social contexts of different Francophone regions and countries.

    每周課程進度與作業要求 Course Schedule & Requirements

    教學週次Course Week 彈性補充教學週次Flexible Supplemental Instruction Week 彈性補充教學類別Flexible Supplemental Instruction Type

    Week 1: Introduction to the Francophonie definition and its historical context

    - Geographical distribution of French-speaking countries

    - Overview of the course topics and objectives

    "The Francophonie: A Conceptual Overview" by Julia Waters

    "Mapping the Francophonie: Geographical Distribution and Cultural Diversity" by François Mairesse

    "The Role of the Francophonie in Global Diplomacy" by Anne-Sophie Vivier-Muresan


    "The Francophonie: A Brief Introduction" by Michel Guillou

    "The Francophonie in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities" by Véronique Duché

    "The Francophonie: Past, Present, and Future" by Mireille Rosello



    Week 2: Language and linguistic diversity evolution and variations of the French language

    - Role of French in the Francophone world

    - Linguistic challenges and language policies in different regions

    "Language Variation and Change in the Francophonie" by Nathalie Dion

    "Language Policy and Planning in Francophone Countries" by Alexandre Duchêne

    "Bilingualism and Multilingualism in the Francophonie" by François Grin


    "French: A Global Language" by David Crystal

    "The Linguistic Diversity of the Francophonie" by Yves Gambier

    "Language Policy in the Francophonie: Balancing Unity and Diversity" by Christina Higgins



    Week 3: Francophone literature major literary movements in Francophone literature

    - Prominent Francophone authors and their works

    - Themes and issues in contemporary Francophone literature

    "The Evolution of Francophone Literature: Trends and Themes" by Cécile Bishop

    "Postcolonial Identity in Francophone Literary Narratives" by Claire Joubert

    "Gender and Identity in Francophone Women's Writing" by Marie-Pierre Bouchard


    "Contemporary Francophone Literature: A Literary Journey" by H. Adlai Murdoch

    "Voices from the Margins: Francophone Women Writers" by Françoise Lionnet

    "Postcolonial Francophone Literature: Identity and Resistance" by Isabelle Constant



    Week 4: History and colonial legacies impact of colonization on Francophone countries - - Decolonization movements and post-colonial identities

    - Historical events and figures shaping the Francophonie

    "Colonialism and Its Legacy in the Francophone African Context" by Lilyan Kesteloot

    "Decolonization and Postcolonialism in Francophone Countries" by Jean-Pierre Chrétien

    "Memory and Identity in Postcolonial Francophone Narratives" by Claire Gorrara


    "Colonialism and Its Legacies in the Francophone World" by Nicolas Bancel et al. "The Invention of Africa: Gnosis, Philosophy, and the Order of Knowledge" by V. Y. Mudimbe "The Age of Decolonization: Africa and the French Empire" by Martin Shipway


    Week 5: Francophone African countries Overview

    - Socio-political issues and challenges in African societies

    - Cultural expressions and artistic movements in Francophone Africa

    "Sociopolitical Challenges in Contemporary Francophone Africa" by Odile Cazenave

    "African Cultural Expressions in the Francophone World: Literature, Music, and Film" by Lilyan Kesteloot

    "The Construction of National Identity in Francophone African Literatures" by Florence Stratton


    "The African Francophone Novel: Theoretical and Literary Perspectives" by Dominic Thomas

    "Postcolonial Africa: Challenges and Possibilities" by Dorothy Hodgson

    "African Music and Dance in Francophone Societies" by Kariamu Welsh-Asante


    Week 6: Francophone European communities - analysis

    - Language policies and linguistic landscapes in European countries

    - Integration and multiculturalism in Francophone Europe

    "Multiculturalism and Integration in Francophone Europe: Comparative Perspectives" by Philippe Marlière

    "Language Policies and Minority Rights in Francophone European Countries" by Monica Heller

    "Identity Negotiation in Francophone European Literature and Film" by Kathleen Gyssels


    "Francophone Europe: Cultural Identity and Diversity" by Hervé Adami

    "Multiculturalism in France: Managing Diversity in a Changing Society" by Alec G. Hargreaves

    "Language Policies and Linguistic Minorities in Europe" by Robert Blackwood



    Week 7: Francophone Canada and Francophone communities in Canada

    - Language dynamics and bilingualism in Canada

    - Cultural identity and intercultural relations in Francophone Canada `

    "Quebecois Society and Identity: Linguistic Politics and Cultural Resilience" by Chantal Bouchard

    "The Acadian Experience: History, Identity, and Cultural Revitalization" by Sherry Simon

    "Immigration and Francophone Communities in Canada: Diversity and Integration" by Patricia Lamarre


    "French Canada: An Introduction to Quebec Society and Culture" by Raymond Breton

    "Bilingualism in Canada: History, Policies, and Debates" by Patricia Lamarre

    "Literature and Identity in French Canada: The Transformative Power of Writing" by Linda Leith



    Week 8: The Caribbean and the Indian Ocean - Francophone countries

    - Cultural heritage and diversity in the region

    - Interactions between local traditions and French influences

    "Cultural Hybridity and Creolization in the Francophone Caribbean" by Carine Mardorossian

    "The Indian Ocean as a Cultural Crossroad: Francophone Perspectives" by Jagdish Davey

    "Postcolonial Identity and Resistance in Francophone Caribbean Literature" by Thomas C. Spear


    "Creolization and Cultural Identity in the Caribbean" by Jean Bernabé et al.

    "Indian Ocean Studies: Cultural Dynamics and Global Exchange" by Shanti Moorthy

    "Caribbean Literature: Postcolonial Perspectives" by Donald E. Herdeck



    Week 9: MID TERM



    Week 10: The Maghreb and the Middle East - study of Francophone countries

    - Cultural and religious influences on Francophone societies

    - Socio-political transformations and contemporary challenges

    "Postcolonial Identity and Cultural Expressions in the Francophone Maghreb" by Kamal Salhi

    "Language and National Identity in the Francophone Middle East" by Yasemin Yildiz

    "Gender and Resistance in Francophone North African Literature" by Abdelkader Benali


    "The Maghreb: History, Culture, and Identity" by R. B. Hamilton

    "French-Algerian Literature: From Colonialism to Postcolonialism" by Peter Hawkins

    "The Arab World and the French Language: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives" by Kamal Salhi



    Week 11: Francophone Asia and the Pacific

    - Examination of Francophone communities in Asia and the Pacific

    - Cultural hybridity and globalization in Francophone contexts

    - Impact of French colonialism in the region

    "French in Southeast Asia: Language Contact, Shift, and Identity" by Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin

    "The Francophonie in Asia: Cultural Interactions and Language Dynamics" by Philippe Peycam

    "French-Language Education and Identity in the Pacific: Perspectives from New Caledonia" by Emma Bellino


    "Francophonie in Asia: Cultural Interactions and Language Dynamics" by Philippe Peycam

    "The French Presence in Vietnam: Colonialism and Cultural Influence" by Lisa Lowe

    "Cultural Hybridity in Francophone Pacific Literature" by Vilsoni Hereniko



    Week 12: Digital Francophonie

    - Role of digital media in promoting the Francophonie

    - Francophone online communities and social networks

    - Digital tools for language learning and cultural exchange

    "Digital Francophonie: Language, Culture, and Communication in the Online World" by Philippe Blanchet

    "Digital Tools for Learning French: Innovations and Applications" by Catherine Caws

    "Social Media and Francophone Identity: An Analysis of Online Communities" by Caroline Moine



    Week 13: Francophonie and Globalization

    - Global influences on the Francophonie

    - Economic, political, and cultural interactions with non-Francophone countries

    - Francophonie in the context of globalization and multiculturalism

    "The Francophonie in a Globalized World: Challenges and Opportunities" by Claire Kramsch

    "The Francophonie as Soft Power: Cultural Diplomacy and Influence" by David Hornsby

    "Transnational Francophone Connections: Mobility and Belonging" by Laura Reeck



    Week 14: Challenges and Future of the Francophonie

    - Contemporary issues facing the Francophonie

    - Prospects for the future of the French language and Francophone cultures

    - Initiatives and organizations promoting the Francophonie worldwide

    "The Future of the French Language: Demographic Shifts and Language Policies" by Marc Bernardo

    "Sustainable Development in the Francophonie: Environmental Challenges and Initiatives" by Daniel Compagnon

    "Youth and the Francophonie: Cultural Engagement and Activism" by Annette Boudreau



    Week 15: Course Review and Conclusion

    - Recap of key themes and concepts covered throughout the course

    - Reflection on personal and academic growth

    - Open discussion on the relevance and importance of the Francophonie in the 21rst century

    "The Significance of the Francophonie: Reflections on Language, Identity, and Global Engagement" by Michael O'Rourke

    "The Impact of Studying the Francophonie: Student Perspectives and Experiences" by Anne Godin

    "Charting a Path Forward: Recommendations for Promoting the Francophonie in the 21st Century" by Jean-Marc Choukroun



    Week 16 : FINAL EXAM

    授課方式Teaching Approach


    講述 Lecture


    討論 Discussion


    小組活動 Group activity


    數位學習 E-learning


    其他: Others:

    評量工具與策略、評分標準成效Evaluation Criteria

    Mid-term: 25 %
    Final exam: 25%
    Participation: 25%
    Assignment: 25 %

    指定/參考書目Textbook & References

    已申請之圖書館指定參考書目 圖書館指定參考書查詢 |相關處理要點

    維護智慧財產權,務必使用正版書籍。 Respect Copyright.

    課程相關連結Course Related Links


    課程附件Course Attachments

    課程進行中,使用智慧型手機、平板等隨身設備 To Use Smart Devices During the Class

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