Type of Credit: Partially Required
Number of Students
Course description: This course examines the nature of happiness from sociological, psychological, and philosophical points of view. Based on research in happiness measures of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations, the course looks at the relationship between happiness and health, happiness and economic prosperity, happiness and social structures of the family and community, as well as reflections on the philosophy of happiness: What is happiness? How can happiness be measured? Should nations be ranked according to happiness rather than material wealth, and what social policies and social institutions can increase happiness for the greatest number of people?
課程說明:本課程探討幸福的本質從社會學,心理學,和哲學的要點。根據經濟合作與發展組織(OECD)和聯合國的幸福措施研究,該課程著眼 幸福和身體健康,幸福和經濟繁榮,幸福與家庭和社會結構之間的關係,以及幸福的哲學思考:什麼是幸福?怎樣來衡量幸福?應根據幸福,而不是物質財富,的排名各國?什麼樣的社會政策和社會制度可以增加最多人數的幸福?
Classroom behavior
My philosophy of education is the teacher-student / student-teacher model: teachers are students, and students are teachers. So, all members of the classroom community are responsible for the success of the class: attendance is expected, verbal participation is encouraged, and student-teachers demonstrate respect for one another.
我的教育理念是 “老師是學生/學生是老師” 的模式。因此,課堂班級的所有成員負責課程的成功. 預計上課,鼓勵口服參與,並老師學生演示對彼此的尊重。
教學週次Course Week | 彈性補充教學週次Flexible Supplemental Instruction Week | 彈性補充教學類別Flexible Supplemental Instruction Type |
Week |
Topic |
Content and Reading Assignment |
Teaching Activities and Homework |
1 |
Introductions |
Introduction |
Introduction |
2 |
Defining “Happiness” |
Orientations: Why “Happiness”? Reading: “Satisfaction with Life Scale” |
Exercise 1: Special Times and Places |
3 |
Happiness and Physical Health |
Healthy body, Healthy mind Reading: “Happiness on health and longevity” |
Exercise 2: Daily Record of Healthy Behaviors |
4 |
Happiness and Material Wealth |
Understanding Happiness Reading: “Unfettered Capitalism”
Essay 3: Sources of happiness other than material wealth |
5 |
Happiness and Employment |
Happiness Impacts on Income and Productivity Employment of College Graduates in the Era of Universal Higher Education |
Exercise 4: Developing Personal Skills |
6 |
(holiday) |
7 |
Experiencing Happiness |
Film, Discussion, and Essay: “Shall We Dance” (1996) |
Essay 5: What are the lessons of this film? |
8 |
Mid-Term Exam |
Mid-Term Exam |
9 |
Happiness and Mindfulness |
Religious and Philosophical Perspectives Principles of Mindfulness |
Exercise 6: Contemplative Practice Project Part I |
10 |
Mindfulness and “Flow” |
Cultivating “Small Happiness” |
Exercise 7: Contemplative Practice Project Part II |
11 |
Gratitude and Mental Well-Being |
Share what you care: Someone you admire Reading: Robert Emmons, “Why Gratitude is Good” |
Exercise 8: Three Good Things |
12 |
Family and Social Support |
Impacts of Happiness for Individual and Social Behavior Volunteering Scavenger Hunt (group video) |
Exercise 9: Volunteering Scavenger Hunt |
13 |
Marriage and Sexuality |
Gender and Happiness, Marriage and Divorce Reading: “Love in Japan and Taiwan: Youth Perspectives on Marriage” |
Essay 10: “Flight from Marriage” |
14 |
Childbirth and Parenting |
Population Change and Demographic Impacts |
Essay 11: “Raising the Birthrate” |
15 |
Happiness and Mental Health |
Impacts of Depression and Anxiety Reading: “Prevalence of Mental Health Issues Around the World” |
16 |
Discovering Another Culture |
Lessons in Cross-Cultural Communication and Understanding |
Seeing, Thinking, Feeling Exercise |
17 |
Share what you care Presentation |
Student Presentation |
Presentation |
18 |
Final exam |
Exam |
Guidelines for exercises:
This is a 3-credit course. 這是一個3學分的課程. Grading 分級標準:
Self-compiled reader