Do you already play violin, but would like to explore playing jazz? My tuition covers all areas of jazz playing: playing in different jazz styles (including gypsy jazz, bebop and swing), jazz phrasing and improvisation, learning jazz repertoire (jazz standards) and training your ear. Whether you want to seriously improve your skills or just try something new, I can help you discover why the violin is such a great instrument for playing jazz, and how much fun it can be!
1. Solo
2. Comp, voicings (drop2, drop3, drop24, triad over root,4ths voicings, spread triads…etc),和聲連接 voice leading
3. 節奏訓練 Rhythm and subdivision
4. Time feel
5. Technique ( 音色,Touch,Feel)
6. Develop Solo Guitar Etudes
7. Jazz Standards and Bebop Language
8. modern compositions
和聲學: 現代樂理,爵士樂裡的和聲 (harmony in jazz standards),有功能及沒有功能的和聲(functional and non functional harmony)
聽力訓練 ear training:
1. 辨識和弦(三和弦 triads,七和弦 seventh chords,有引申音的和弦 chords with 1-3 tensions or more)
2. 辨識音階及其調式 (major, natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor and their modes)
3. 辨識常見和聲進行 (Harmony Progressions in the Great American Song Book)
4. 辨識 modal interchange chords
1. writing lead sheet music in the form of jazz standards
2. writing through composed composition
3. ostinato based composition
4. modern compositions
1. 5 管編曲,6 管編曲,大樂團編曲的voicing 排列。
2. 理解對位的效果 writing counterpoint。
Mango Street Papa 芒果街老爸 貝斯手
今天不論你是初學,或是不知道該怎麼抓歌,或是想學習slap ,又或是想學習成為一個不只是會彈根音的貝斯手,都希望都能夠透過我的教學,來讓你成為一個更棒的貝斯手!
Do you already play violin, but would like to explore playing jazz? My tuition covers all areas of jazz playing: playing in different jazz styles (including gypsy jazz, bebop and swing), jazz phrasing and improvisation, learning jazz repertoire (jazz standards) and training your ear. Whether you want to seriously improve your skills or just try something new, I can help you discover why the violin is such a great instrument for playing jazz, and how much fun it can be!
1. Solo
2. Comp, voicings (drop2, drop3, drop24, triad over root,4ths voicings, spread triads…etc),和聲連接 voice leading
3. 節奏訓練 Rhythm and subdivision
4. Time feel
5. Technique ( 音色,Touch,Feel)
6. Develop Solo Guitar Etudes
7. Jazz Standards and Bebop Language
8. modern compositions
和聲學: 現代樂理,爵士樂裡的和聲 (harmony in jazz standards),有功能及沒有功能的和聲(functional and non functional harmony)
聽力訓練 ear training:
1. 辨識和弦(三和弦 triads,七和弦 seventh chords,有引申音的和弦 chords with 1-3 tensions or more)
2. 辨識音階及其調式 (major, natural minor, harmonic minor, melodic minor and their modes)
3. 辨識常見和聲進行 (Harmony Progressions in the Great American Song Book)
4. 辨識 modal interchange chords
1. writing lead sheet music in the form of jazz standards
2. writing through composed composition
3. ostinato based composition
4. modern compositions
1. 5 管編曲,6 管編曲,大樂團編曲的voicing 排列。
2. 理解對位的效果 writing counterpoint。
Mango Street Papa 芒果街老爸 貝斯手
今天不論你是初學,或是不知道該怎麼抓歌,或是想學習slap ,又或是想學習成為一個不只是會彈根音的貝斯手,都希望都能夠透過我的教學,來讓你成為一個更棒的貝斯手!