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  1. 英語咖啡館 Ep.262: 美國抖音難民搬家到小紅書,他們知道是什麼書嗎?Tiktok refugees and RedNote community

    17 HR AGO

    英語咖啡館 Ep.262: 美國抖音難民搬家到小紅書,他們知道是什麼書嗎?Tiktok refugees and RedNote community

    ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 美國政府今年一月實施的TikTok禁令讓眾多內容創作者流離失所,而RedNote(小紅書)這個中國平台卻因此迎來了意外的國際浪潮。為什麼創作者們選擇小紅書而非Instagram或Facebook?當美國用戶與中國用戶在同一平台相遇,會碰撞出什麼有趣的文化交流?貓咪照和"間諜"的梗又是怎麼回事? 這集節目不僅帶你了解當前的社交媒體變革,還顯示了不同文化如何在數位世界中相遇、碰撞並互相學習。想知道小紅書能否持續吸引這波"TikTok Refugees"並成為真正的國際平台嗎?快來收聽這集精彩內容吧! The TikTok ban implemented by the US government in January has left many content creators displaced, while the Chinese platform RedNote (Xiaohongshu or "Little Red Book") has unexpectedly welcomed an international wave of users. Why are creators choosing RedNote over Instagram or Facebook? What interesting cultural exchanges emerge when American users meet Chinese users on the same platform? And what's the story behind cat photos and "spy" memes? This episode not only explores the current social media transformation but also illustrates how different cultures meet, interact, and learn from each other in the digital world. Curious whether RedNote can continue to attract these "TikTok Refugees" and become a truly international platform? Tune in to this episode!

    29 min
  2. 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K959: 齋戒月:信仰的體現 Ramadan: Faith Through Fasting

    2 DAYS AGO

    國際時事跟讀 Ep.K959: 齋戒月:信仰的體現 Ramadan: Faith Through Fasting

    本集節目由【Roichen優雅椅&正脊坐墊】贊助播出 #Roichen優雅椅 坐墊+工作椅的形式呈現,獨家6度傾斜底座+升降設計+靜音輪。 #市售唯一依男女體型設計的正脊坐墊 它牌只有分大人和小孩的尺寸,但其實男女體型骨盆角度不同,需要專屬尺寸設計,市售唯一有男、女和兒童3種專屬尺寸可選購。 #獨家支撐設計 坐墊不易滑動,即使不搭配椅子,直接在地面或者平面使用,當作和室椅都可以。 #韓國第一入口網站NAVER家飾配件使用滿意高度認證 榮獲200多項專利、認證、設計以及系統認證的殊榮,其中包括紅點設計大獎、Good Design、PIN UP等獎項。 #通過SGS檢測不含有毒物質與安全性測試 最大可承受220~350公斤都可維持平穩正確的坐姿,不會形成椅墊扭曲或晃動。 重點整理: .Roichen優雅椅67折優惠  .Roichen正脊坐墊52折優惠  通勤家族專屬優惠 https://s.add.one/78d2fg (品牌限定優惠,請使用 Fb、Line、手機號碼 登入,即可看到專屬優惠價) ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K959: Ramadan: Faith Through Fasting Highlights 主題摘要: Ramadan is a holy month where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, focusing on prayer, charity, and self-control while avoiding negative behaviors.Healthy fasting involves two important meals: suhoor before dawn for energy and iftar at sunset, with experts recommending balanced nutrition.Ramadan combines religious practice with cultural celebrations that bring communities together, creating bonds between families and neighbors. Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is a sacred period when Muslims worldwide engage in daily fasting from dawn until sunset. This religious practice represents one of the Five Pillars of Islam and serves multiple purposes: it's an act of worship, a demonstration of submission to God, and a way to cultivate gratitude and self-restraint. During this month, Muslims not only abstain from food and drink but also increase their prayers, charitable activities, and Quran readings while striving to avoid negative behaviors. The spiritual essence of Ramadan focuses on purification of the soul and strengthening one's relationship with God through sacrifice and discipline. 齋戒月(Ramadan)是伊斯蘭曆法中的第九個月,是全球穆斯林從黎明到日落每日禁食的神聖時期。這種宗教習俗代表伊斯蘭教五大支柱(五功)之一,並具有多重目的:這是一種崇拜行為,表達對真主的臣服,也是培養感恩之心與自我節制的方式。在這個月中,穆斯林不僅禁絕食物和飲料,還增加祈禱、慈善活動和《古蘭經》(Quran)的誦讀,同時努力避免負面行為。齋戒月的精神實質在於透過犧牲和自律來淨化靈魂並強化與真主的關係。 The fasting routine involves two main meals: "suhoor," the pre-dawn meal that provides sustained energy throughout the day, and "iftar," which breaks the fast at sunset. Nutrition experts recommend consuming a variety of food groups during suhoor, particularly those containing fiber, protein, and healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and hydrating fruits. For iftar, moderation is key – many begin with dates and water before enjoying a light meal, being careful not to overindulge. Those who exercise regularly might schedule their workouts just before breaking the fast or later in the evening to prevent dehydration. Experts advise listening to one's body during the fasting period and adjusting daily activities accordingly to maintain physical wellbeing alongside spiritual growth. 齋戒的日常包含兩個主要餐點:「封齋飯」(suhoor)是黎明前的餐食,提供全天持續的能量;以及「開齋飯」(iftar),即日落時結束禁食的餐點。營養專家建議在封齋飯時攝取多樣化的食物,特別是含有纖維、蛋白質和健康脂肪的食物,如酪梨、堅果和水分充足的水果。至於開齋飯,適度是關鍵——許多人首先以椰棗和水來打破禁食,然後享用清淡的餐點,小心不要過量。定期運動的人可能會安排在打破禁食前或晚間進行鍛煉,以防止脫水。專家建議在齋戒期間傾聽自己的身體反應,並相應調整日常活動,在保持身體健康的同時促進靈性成長。 Beyond its religious significance, Ramadan is characterized by rich cultural and social traditions that vary across different regions. In many countries, the month brings communities together through festive gatherings and shared meals. Egypt celebrates with colorful lanterns, special songs, and communal tents offering food and entertainment. In Indonesia, rituals differ by region, with some communities practicing symbolic cleansing or sharing meat with the less fortunate. Many Muslims in the United States gather at mosques or Islamic centers for iftar meals and prayers, creating a sense of community. These social aspects of Ramadan strengthen bonds between families, friends, and neighbors, fostering a spirit of unity and generosity. 除了宗教意義外,齋戒月還以豐富的文化和社交傳統為特色,這些傳統在不同地區各有差異。在許多國家,這個月透過節慶聚會和共享餐點將社區聚集在一起。埃及以色彩繽紛的燈籠、特別的歌曲,以及提供食物和娛樂的社區帳篷來慶祝。在印尼,儀式因地區而異,某些社區進行象徵性的淨化或與貧困者分享肉食。在美國,許多穆斯林聚集在清真寺或伊斯蘭中心進行開齋飯和祈禱,營造社區感。齋戒月的這些社交方面加強了家庭、朋友和鄰居之間的連結,培養團結和慷慨的精神。 While fasting is obligatory for adult Muslims, certain groups are exempt, including children, the elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding women, menstruating women, travelers, and those with specific medical conditions. People with chronic illnesses such as diabetes or heart disease should consult healthcare providers before fasting, especially if they take regular medication. The month concludes with Eid al-Fitr, a joyous celebration marking the end of Ramadan and providing an opportunity for Muslims to reflect on their spiritual journey. Through the challenges of hunger and thirst, Muslims develop greater empathy for those less fortunate and a deeper appreciation for life's blessings, emerging from the month spiritually renewed and morally strengthened. 雖然齋戒對成年穆斯林是必須的,但某些群體可得到豁免,包括兒童、老年人、懷孕或哺乳期婦女、經期婦女、旅行者以及有特定健康狀況的人。患有糖尿病或心臟病等慢性疾病的人在齋戒前應諮詢醫療專業人員,尤其是定期服藥者。這個月以開齋節(Eid al-Fitr)結束,這是一個歡樂的慶祝活動,標誌著齋戒月的結束,並為穆斯林提供反思其靈性旅程的機會。透過飢餓和口渴的挑戰,穆斯林對不幸者產生更大的同理心,並對生命的祝福有更深的感恩,從這個月中獲得靈性更新和道德力量的提升。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字: Gratitude (Grat-i-tude) [noun. feeling thankful for something good that happens]: During this month, Muslims not only abstain from food and drink but also increase their prayers, charitable activities, and Quran readings while striving to cultivate gratitude and self-restraint.Hydrating (Hy-drat-ing) [adjective. giving water to something to make it less dry]: Nutrition experts recommend consuming a variety of food groups during suhoor, particularly those containing fiber, protein, and healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, and hydrating fruits.Moderation (Mod-er-a-tion) [noun. not having or doing too much or too little of something]: For iftar, moderation is key – many begin with dates and water before enjoying a light meal, being careful not to overindulge.Generosity (Gen-er-os-i-ty) [noun. the quality of being kind and giving things to others]: These social aspects of Ramadan strengthen bonds between families, friends, and neighbors, fostering a spirit of unity and generosity.Menstruating (Men-stru-at-ing) [verb. having a monthly flow of blood from the body that women have]: While fasting is obligatory for adult Muslims, certain groups are exempt, including children, the elderly, pregnant or breastfeeding women, menstruating women, travelers, and those with specific medical conditions. Reference article: 1. https://apnews.com/article/ramadan-islam-fasting-islamic-holy-month-d8c9e002e4904c5d8e0ccee2b77f9ad4 2. https://apnews.com/article/ramadan-healthy-fasting-9e38d48bf8818591c1549805899f031a

    13 min
  3. 回顧星期天LBS - 南美時事趣聞 All about South America (回顧)

    4 DAYS AGO

    回顧星期天LBS - 南美時事趣聞 All about South America (回顧)

    【旅行吃爭鮮gogo👍按讚享優惠】 即日起~4/30 快去全台外帶專賣【爭鮮gogo】,出示下方指定貼文按讚畫面 即享👍消費滿100元,手卷加購價35元👍 ⬇️指定貼文&門市資訊⬇️ https://fstry.pse.is/7bqgrj —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Topic: As Economy Lags, Hugo Chavez's Movement Fades in Venezuela As president, Hugo Chavez lavished millions from this country’s oil boom on his home state of Barinas. But boom has turned to bust, the economy is in shambles and the love affair is over. 在總統任內,烏戈.查維茲把石油價格大好為國家帶來的收入,以超大手筆花在他的家鄉巴里納斯州。當油價從大好變成大壞,經濟陷入衰敗,戀愛也結束了。 Similar sentiments are being heard around the continent, where political dynasties are falling or under intense pressure and where protests and social unrest are on the rise. In Brazil, legislators have begun an impeachment proceeding against President Dilma Rousseff, as scores of other political leaders have become embroiled in a huge corruption scandal. 整個南美洲都能感受到類似的氛圍,政治王朝正在崩解或受到極大壓力,示威抗議和社會動盪方興未艾。 在巴西,國會議員已展開彈劾狄爾瑪.羅塞芙總統的程序,其他幾十位政治領袖也被捲入巨大的貪汙醜聞。 In Ecuador, protesters angry at President Rafael Correa have taken to the streets to demonstrate against budget cutbacks necessitated by vanishing oil revenues. And in Argentina, President Mauricio Macri was inaugurated last month after surging to a surprising win against the candidate of the Peronist party of his predecessor, Cristina Fernandez. His victory ended 12 years during which Fernandez or her late husband, Nestor Kirchner, occupied the presidential palace. 在厄瓜多,對拉斐爾.柯利亞總統不滿的抗議群眾走上街頭,表達反對因石油營收減少而必須進行的預算削減。 還有在阿根廷,毛里西奧.馬克里聲勢竄起,意外擊敗前總統克莉絲蒂娜.費南德茲所屬裴洛黨的候選人,於上個月宣誓就職。他的勝利終結了費南德茲和她的已故丈夫內斯托.基希納在總統府的十二年歲月。 The strains are being felt most keenly by leftist governments, but analysts say that something other than ideology is at work here. South America saw robust growth in the century’s first decade, thanks to a historic boom in the value of raw materials and other commodities that are sold to the rest of the world. High prices for oil, natural gas, coal, copper, gold, silver, bauxite, soy beans and other products led to steady growth, a sharp drop in poverty and an expansion of the middle class throughout the region. That growth, in turn, brought political stability, with leaders and parties being repeatedly re-elected. 左派政府感受的壓力最大,但分析家說,這其中有意識型態以外的因素在作用。南美在本世紀第一個十年出現強勁的成長,因為賣到世界其他地區的原物料和其他大宗商品行情空前地好。 石油、天然氣、煤、銅、金、銀、礬土、黃豆和其他產品的高價帶來穩定成長,貧窮大幅下降,整個區域的中產階級擴張。成長接著帶來政治穩定,政治領袖和政黨一再當選連任。 “There’s been a pretty striking continuity in many countries, in large part thanks to the commodities boom that leaders and parties have been riding,” said Michael Shifter, president of the Inter-American Dialog, a policy analysis group in Washington. “When that’s over, voters look elsewhere and for new leaders, but governing is extremely difficult because they no longer have the resources to meet the high expectations that have been generated during the commodities boom.” 華盛頓的政策分析團體「美洲對話」主席麥可.席福特說:「許多國家有很明顯的持續性,相當程度上歸因於政治領袖和政黨搭上了大宗商品行情好的便車。當榮景結束,選民望向別處,尋找新的領袖,但治國極為困難,因為他們不再握有資源來滿足大宗商品上漲時期激起的高期望。」 Source article: https://paper.udn.com/udnpaper/POH0067/291818/web/ Next Article Topic: About Crime - Come to Rio, get robbed: Brazil tourism body shares awkward Instagram post Brazil’s national tourism agency typically focuses on the city’s world-class beaches, samba-filled music scene and caipirinha-fueled parties. Violent crime is rarely listed among the attractions. 行銷里約熱內盧時,巴西國家觀光機構通常主打該市的世界級海灘、洋溢森巴音樂的地方,以及有卡琵莉亞酒催情的派對。暴力犯罪鮮少被列入魅力特點。 But in an embarrassing social media snafu this week, the Brazilian Tourist Board (Embratur) accidentally shared a critical Instagram post from a tourist who did not enjoy her stay in the so-called "Cidade Maravilhosa," or Marvelous City. 但本週一起令人尷尬的社群媒體烏龍事件中,巴西旅遊局意外地分享了一名不愛待在這個所謂「奇蹟之城」的旅客於Instagram的批評貼文。 "I just spent 3 days in Rio with my family, and in those 3 days my family and I were robbed and my 9-year-old sister witnessed a violent robbery," Instagram user "withlai" wrote in an Instagram Stories post. "I can’t recommend a visit to a city where I felt afraid of even leaving the apartment." Instagram用戶「withlai」的一則限時動態貼文寫道,「我和我的家人只花了3天在里約,而那3天當中,家人和我都被搶,我的9歲妹妹還親眼目睹了一件暴力搶案。」「我無法推薦拜訪一個我連離開公寓都會怕的城市。」 Embratur deleted the shared post on Wednesday. It said in a subsequent statement that "sharing (the post) was a mistake," adding that it had worked hard to promote a nationwide fall in crime in 2019. 巴西旅遊局週三刪了這則分享貼文。它在隨後聲明中說道,「分享(那則貼文)是個錯誤」,並補充指出,已努力宣傳全國2019年犯罪減少一事。 Safety concerns along with inconvenient flights, poor infrastructure and high costs have long held back Brazil’s tourism industry, which lags its South American neighbors. 除了航班不便、基礎設施貧乏及費用高昂,安全考量令巴西觀光產業長久以來遲滯不前,落後於南美鄰國。 Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1358564 Next Article Topic: Ecuadorean discovery pushes back origins of chocolate People have been enjoying chocolate far longer than previously known, according to research published on Monday detailing the domestication and use of cacao beginning 5,300 years ago at an ancient settlement in the highlands of southeastern Ecuador. Scientists examined ceramic artifacts at the Santa Ana-La Florida archeological site, a remarkably preserved village and ceremonial center that was part of the Mayo-Chinchipe culture of the Andes, and found abundant evidence of the use of cacao, from which chocolate is made. 根據週一發表的一份研究顯示,人類享用巧克力的歷史比先前所知的還要悠久。該研究詳細指出,在厄瓜多東南部高地的一處古老聚落,發現五千三百年前已開始出現可可豆的人工培植和食用跡象。在聖塔安娜─佛羅里達考古遺址──當地保存著狀況絕佳的村落遺跡,曾作為儀式中心,屬於安地斯山脈「馬由─欽奇佩」文化圈的一部分──科學家仔細檢驗出土的陶瓷工藝品,並發現充分證據顯示使用可可豆,也就是製作巧克力的原料。 The study indicates cacao was domesticated roughly 1,500 years earlier than previously known, and that it occurred in South America rather than in Central America, as previously thought. A tropical evergreen tree called Theobroma cacao bears large, oval pods containing the bean-like cacao seeds that today are roasted and turned into cocoa and multitudes of chocolate confections, although chocolate at the time was consumed as a beverage. 研究指出,人工培植可可豆的時間點比先前所知還要再往前推大約一千五百年,並且始於南美洲,而非之前認為的中美洲。可可樹是一種熱帶常青樹,會結出大而橢圓形的豆莢,包覆著像豆子般的可可種子。今日,可可種子會在烘培後被做成可可粉和各式各樣的巧克力糕點,不過巧克力在當時其實是被用來作成飲料喝下肚。 The scientists found evidence of cacao’s use at the site over a period starting 5,300 years ago — more than 700 years before building of the Great Pyramid of Giza in ancient Egypt — until 2,100 years ago. They found cacao starch

    10 min
  4. 15mins Live Podcast直播 - 常用錯的日常動詞 Bring vs. Take & Do vs. Make (回顧)

    5 DAYS AGO

    15mins Live Podcast直播 - 常用錯的日常動詞 Bring vs. Take & Do vs. Make (回顧)

    歡迎來到費雪阿姨說故事,這裡的故事不只是好聽,更幫助孩子學習如何調節情緒、認識情緒,透過提問引發孩子的思考!書蟲媽咪費雪精心設計故事腳本,透過正向心理學傳遞愛與溫暖,陪伴孩子心靈成長,快來聽故事吧! https://fstry.pse.is/7bqgzs —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Live Podcast 相關文字內容在這:http://www.15mins.today/blog/15mins-live-podcast-bring-vs-take-do-vs-make

    1h 13m
  5. 精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.018: 很快就用不到帳密了 ? Fingerprint, retina scans instead of passwords (回顧)

    6 DAYS AGO

    精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP.018: 很快就用不到帳密了 ? Fingerprint, retina scans instead of passwords (回顧)

    【旅行吃爭鮮gogo👍按讚享優惠】 即日起~4/30 快去全台外帶專賣【爭鮮gogo】,出示下方指定貼文按讚畫面 即享👍消費滿100元,手卷加購價35元👍 ⬇️指定貼文&門市資訊⬇️ https://fstry.pse.is/7bqgrj —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- Summary: Now that we have more and more accounts online and offline, information and identity security again need an upgrade. Banks are working towards phasing passwords out and opting for biometric security measures such as fingerprint, retina and facial scans for password. Full article: https://www.15mins.today/blog/583-goodbye-password-banks-opt-to-scan-fingers-and-faces-instead Vocabulary and sample sentences: Biometrics (biometry)- the application of statistical analysis to biological data. I changed my lock to a biometric fingerprint lock.Apple iphone has opted for a biometric systemLog in / log out You need to log in with your email and passwordYou need to log out by clicking this button Verification n. Verify v. – process of ensuring validity You need some documents to verify your identityYour biometric system will verify your fingerprintWhen you open a bank account, you need to verify your identity. Short-lived adj. – something that did not last long My dream of becoming a straight A student was short-lived.VCD technology in South Africa was short-lived.

    13 min
  6. 英語咖啡館 Ep.261: 外國人最愛之台灣便當店與最知名的台鐵便當 Taiwan Railway's bento and ubiquitous buffet lunch stores

    18 MAR

    英語咖啡館 Ep.261: 外國人最愛之台灣便當店與最知名的台鐵便當 Taiwan Railway's bento and ubiquitous buffet lunch stores

    ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptbVIP會員想許願哪些主題? →https://forms.gle/xyHoPydBr6LLFL9q8 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 台灣的便當文化千變萬化,從台鐵便當到自助式便當餐廳,這些店家支撐起台灣人的日常與記憶。本週的《英語咖啡館》John老師邀請了Klim老師,一起探討這個台灣人最熟悉不過的國民美食! 您知道台鐵便當是台鐵唯一獲利的業務嗎?早期的便當是由小販在月台上叫賣的,而現在各地區的台鐵便當都有獨特風味與包裝。自助式便當餐廳又是如何計價的?為什麼有些主菜特別貴?這集節目將解開這些便當文化的小秘密! Taiwan's bento culture is incredibly diverse, ranging from Taiwan Railway bentos to buffet-style bento restaurants. These establishments sustain both the daily lives and memories of Taiwanese people. In this week's episode of "English Café," John invites Klim to explore this quintessential Taiwanese cuisine that locals know so well! Did you know that railway bentos are Taiwan Railway's only profitable business? In earlier times, bentos were sold by hawkers on the platforms, while today each region's railway bento has its own unique flavor and packaging. How do buffet-style bento restaurants price their dishes? Why are some main dishes particularly expensive? This episode will uncover these little secrets of Taiwan's bento culture!

    39 min
  7. 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K955: 富士電視台醜聞引發日本媒體倫理與女性權益爭議  Fuji TV Scandal Sparks Debate on Media Ethics and Women's Rights in Japan

    16 MAR

    國際時事跟讀 Ep.K955: 富士電視台醜聞引發日本媒體倫理與女性權益爭議 Fuji TV Scandal Sparks Debate on Media Ethics and Women's Rights in Japan

    【旅行吃爭鮮gogo👍按讚享優惠】 即日起~4/30 快去全台外帶專賣【爭鮮gogo】,出示下方指定貼文按讚畫面 即享👍消費滿100元,手卷加購價35元👍 ⬇️指定貼文&門市資訊⬇️ https://fstry.pse.is/7bqgrj —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ----------------------------------- 🎧 通勤學英語 VIP 專區 & 🚀 線上課程  ----------------------------------- 💡 想要更自然的提升英語力?加入VIP會員,獲得專屬內容與優惠! 立即加入VIP方案 →https://open.firstory.me/join/15minstodayVIP訂閱常見問題 →https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/5cjptb 🔥 社會人核心英語有聲書課程→https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/554esm ------------------------------- 🌎 15Mins.Today 相關連結 ------------------------------- 💬 你的想法很重要!留言分享 → 留言連結 Web:www.15mins.today YouTube:https://15minsengcafe.pse.is/3rhuuy 商業合作/贊助來信:15minstoday@gmail.com 意見回覆 : ask15mins@gmail.com -------------------------------------------- 📜 單集逐字稿 & 內容摘要(播放器字數有限,完整逐字稿請到官網查看) -------------------------------------------- 國際時事跟讀 Ep.K955: Fuji TV Scandal Sparks Debate on Media Ethics and Women's Rights in Japan Highlights 主題摘要: A famous Japanese star, Masahiro Nakai, faced sexual assault accusations, leading to public backlash and his entertainment industry exit.Fuji TV lost credibility after allowing Nakai to appear on air despite knowing the accusations, causing financial and leadership issues.The scandal sparked a wider debate about media ethics, women's rights, and the need for deeper reforms in Japan. The recent scandal involving Japanese entertainer Masahiro Nakai and a Fuji TV employee has sent shockwaves through the country, exposing deep-rooted issues within Japan’s media industry. Nakai, a former member of the popular boy band SMAP, was accused of sexual assault at a dinner party in 2023. Although he denied the allegations and settled the matter privately, public backlash forced him to retire from the entertainment industry. Fuji TV, which had a longstanding contract with Nakai, has faced severe criticism for allowing him to continue appearing on air despite knowing about the accusations. The scandal has raised serious concerns about corporate governance, media ethics, and the treatment of women in Japan’s entertainment sector. 近期,日本藝人中居正廣與富士電視台員工的醜聞震驚全國,揭露了日本媒體業深層的問題。中居,曾是人氣男團 SMAP 的成員,被指控在 2023 年的一場晚宴上性侵女性。儘管他否認指控並私下和解,公眾的強烈反彈仍迫使他退出演藝圈。與中居有長期合作關係的富士電視台,明知相關指控卻仍讓他持續曝光,因此遭到外界嚴厲批評。此醜聞引發了對企業治理、媒體倫理,以及日本娛樂產業中女性待遇的嚴重關切。 The fallout from the controversy has been immense, with Fuji TV losing credibility, advertisers pulling their sponsorships, and top executives stepping down. A major shareholder of Fuji Media Holdings, the broadcaster’s parent company, has called for further governance reforms, criticizing the resignation of the company’s president and chairman as insufficient. The letter also questioned the long-standing influence of Hisashi Hieda, an 87-year-old senior advisor, who has been a dominant figure in the organization for nearly four decades. In response, Fuji TV has announced a new "Revitalization and Reform Project Headquarters" led by newly appointed President Kenji Shimizu, aimed at preventing similar scandals and rebuilding public trust. 該事件帶來的衝擊波極為巨大,富士電視台信譽受損,廣告商紛紛撤資,高層管理人員相繼辭職。該電視台母公司富士媒體控股的一名大股東要求進一步改革治理結構,並批評公司總裁與董事長的辭職不足以解決問題。該股東在信中質疑現年 87 歲的資深顧問日枝久社長的長期影響力,而他近四十年來掌控著這家企業。作為回應,富士電視台宣布成立「振興與改革計畫總部」,由新任社長清水賢治領導,旨在防範類似醜聞並重建公眾信任。 Beyond its impact on Fuji TV, the scandal has ignited a broader conversation about sexual violence and gender inequality in Japan. Historically, victims of sexual assault in Japan have been pressured into silence, with a 2020 survey indicating that over 70% of such cases go unreported. Experts argue that the country’s media industry has long fostered a culture of impunity, where women have been expected to tolerate inappropriate behavior to maintain their careers. The case has also shed light on problematic social practices, such as using young women as entertainment at business gatherings. Activists see the widespread condemnation of Fuji TV and Nakai’s resignation as a potential turning point for women’s rights in Japan, marking a shift in how society perceives and responds to sexual misconduct. 此事件不僅影響富士電視台,更在全日本引發對性暴力與性別不平等的廣泛討論。日本歷來的性侵受害者往往被迫保持沉默。2020 年的一項調查顯示,超過 70% 的性侵案件未被報案。專家指出,日本媒體業長期存在縱容文化,女性往往被要求忍受不當行為才能維持職業生涯。本案也揭露了某些不當社交習慣,例如讓年輕女性在商業聚會上「陪席助興」的文化。社會運動人士認為,富士電視台遭受廣泛譴責以及中居的引退,或許標誌著日本女性權益發展的轉折點,象徵著社會對性暴力的認知與應對態度正在改變。 Despite these developments, progress remains slow. While corporate leaders have been forced to acknowledge the issue, critics argue that deeper structural reforms are needed to ensure lasting change. As Japan grapples with the implications of this scandal, the question remains: Will this moment lead to genuine transformation, or will it fade into history as just another controversy? For now, the fight for accountability and gender equality continues. 儘管改革已然上路,進程依舊緩慢。企業領袖被迫正視問題,批評者認為,只有更深層次的結構性變革才能帶來真正的改變。隨著日本社會對此醜聞的反思持續深化,關鍵問題仍然存在:這是否會成為真正的轉捩點,還是最終淪為曇花一現的風波?目前,對於問責與性別平權的抗爭仍在持續進行中。 Keyword Drills 關鍵字: Longstanding (Long-stand-ing) [adjective. existing for a long time]: Fuji TV, which had a longstanding contract with Nakai, has faced severe criticism for allowing him to continue appearing on air despite knowing about the accusations.Credibility (Cred-i-bil-i-ty) [noun. the quality of being trusted and believed]: The fallout from the controversy has been immense, with Fuji TV losing credibility, advertisers pulling their sponsorships, and top executives stepping down.Resignation (Res-ig-na-tion) [noun. the act of leaving a job or position]: A major shareholder of Fuji Media Holdings, the broadcaster’s parent company, has called for further governance reforms, criticizing the resignation of the company’s president and chairman as insufficient.Unreported (Un-re-port-ed) [adjective. not told to authorities or the public]: Historically, victims of sexual assault in Japan have been pressured into silence, with a 2020 survey indicating that over 70% of such cases go unreported.Structural (Struc-tur-al) [adjective. related to the way something is organized or built]: While corporate leaders have been forced to acknowledge the issue, critics argue that deeper structural reforms are needed to ensure lasting change. Reference article: 1. https://japan-forward.com/fuji-tv-scandal-a-wake-up-call-for-japanese-media/ 2. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd0nzmmzvyno

    10 min
  8. 回顧星期天LBS - 德國時事趣聞 All about Germany (回顧)

    15 MAR

    回顧星期天LBS - 德國時事趣聞 All about Germany (回顧)

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The machines are booming outside German cities where shops are less likely to stay open for long hours, according to a survey by the German Press Agency. 在深夜裡飢腸轆轆、想吃香腸的德國人,愈來愈常利用自動販賣機購買巴雷特煎腸、博克香腸等食品。德新社調查顯示,這類自動販賣機在德國城市以外的地區大幅增加,因為當地商店的營業時間沒那麼長。 Some butchers’ vending machines sell three or four types of sausages, and punnets of accompanying potato salad – so customers can buy all they need for a traditional hearty German feast anytime. 某些肉商設置的自動販賣機提供3到4種香腸,還搭配一小盒馬鈴薯沙拉,讓顧客隨時都能買到一頓豐盛的德國傳統餐點。 There are over 570,000 vending machines in Germany, but despite their popularity they are expected to complement, rather than replace traditional shops. 德國目前有逾57萬台自動販賣機,儘管廣受歡迎,人們仍認為這些販賣機只是為傳統商店增色,而非取而代之。 "Vending machines will play a complementary role in brick-and-mortar retailing," Wolfgang Kampmeier of the Berlin-Brandenburg trade association told the Berliner Zeitung newspaper. 「柏林布蘭登堡貿易協會」的沃夫岡.坎普邁耶向《柏林日報》表示:「自動販賣機將在實體商店零售業務中扮演互補角色。」 Source article: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1354230 Next Article Topic: Slow music: Chord change in Germany of 639-year organ piece Hundreds of fans attended a special kind of musical happening on Sept. 5 at a church in Germany: a chord change in an organ piece that is supposed to last for an entirety of 639 years. The performance of the ORGAN2/ASLSP, or As Slow As Possible, composition began in September 2001 at the St. Burchardi Church in the eastern town of Halberstadt and is supposed to end in 2640 if all goes well. 數百名樂迷在九月五日齊聚德國一間教堂,參加一場特別的音樂活動:預計持續演奏整整六百三十九年的一首管風琴作品,在當天改變了和弦。這首名為 《ORGAN2/ASLSP》,又名《愈慢愈好》的作品,從二○○一年九月開始在德國東部小鎮哈柏斯塔的聖布爾夏迪教堂演奏。如果一切順利,演奏將會於二六四○年結束。 The music piece by the American composer John Cage is played on a special organ inside the medieval church. The last sound has been the same one for the last six years and 11 months, and therefore the chord change on Saturday last week was a big event among fans of the John Cage Organ Project. 這首樂曲是由美國作曲家約翰‧凱吉所作,在這座中世紀教堂內由一台特製管風琴演奏。在過去六年又十一個月之間,這首樂曲一直持續著相同的聲音,也因此上週六轉換和弦,對「約翰‧凱吉管風琴計畫」的樂迷而言堪稱一大盛事。 A chord change means that the sound of the organ pipes changes either because new sounds are added or existing sounds end. On Sept. 5, two new organ pipes were added. Organizers say the performance is “one of the slowest realizations of an organ musical piece.” 轉換和弦意味著管風琴音管的聲音改變,變化來自於新聲音加入,或是原本持續的聲音停止。在九月五號當天,管風琴裝上了兩根新的音管。主辦單位則表示,這場演出是「實現一部最慢的管風琴音樂作品。」 A compressor in the basement creates energy to blow air into the organ to create a continuous sound. When a chord change happens, it’s done manually. On Sept. 5, soprano singer Johanna Vargas and organist Julian Lembke changed the chord. The new sound reminded some listeners of the metallic buzz inside a big ship’s engine room. 教堂地下室有一台壓縮機製造出動能,將氣體吹入管風琴,創造出持續不斷的聲音。當和弦改變時,這個任務則是以手動完成。當天,女高音喬安娜‧瓦加斯以及管風琴演奏家朱利安‧藍布克一起改變和弦。新的聲音讓某些聽眾聯想到大船引擎室裡帶有金屬感的嗡嗡聲。 The next chord change is planned for Feb. 5, 2022, the German news agency DPA reported. When the piece officially started on Sept. 5, 2001, it began without any sound. It was only on Feb. 5, 2003, the day of the first chord change, that the first organ pipe chords could actually be heard inside the church. 根據德國新聞媒體《德新社》報導,下一次的和弦改變預計於二○二二年二月五日進行。這首樂曲最初在二○○一年九月五日正式開演,開始時沒有聲音。一直到二○○三年二月五日,也就是第一次改變和弦那天,第一個管風琴和弦才真正能在教堂中聽到。 Cage was born in Los Angeles in 1912 and died in New York in 1992. He’s known not only as a composer, but also as a music theorist, artist and philosopher. 約翰‧凱吉於一九一二年生於洛杉磯,一九九二年於紐約逝世。他不只是以作曲家的身分聞名,

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