


BBC Learning English ▹ http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/
CNN ▹ https://edition.cnn.com/
Voicetube ▹ https://tw.voicetube.com/


1. Plan a 3-day tour to Taiwan

2. Traveling package A. hotel B.price and traveling duration C. traveling schedule

3. Design a special day for a family to celebrate Father’s Day.

4. Taiwan is joining a joint programme with a country to promote tourist activity. A: HK B:Singapore C: China/Shanghai/Beijing. D: Japan


1. Find one person/thing to promote Cathay (like endorsement as Santa raised up)

2. What make an airline successful? (ticket price/service…)

3. 想一個/or several entertainment可以加在飛機上?

4. Shooting a commercial for CX

Open to discussion(選人/選事篇)

1. If you can change three events happened in the last 100 years, what are they? (like WWII…)

2. Choose 3 person that should get awarded Nobel (Peace) Prize(諾貝爾獎)

3. List 3 men/women whom you admire the most/that should be remembered?

4. What would you like to cook, if you have a chance to cook for someone (and who would you like to cook for)?

5. Choose 3 things that changed the world totally. (like pc, tele…)

6. If you could change three important thing about your hometown, what would you change?

7. You are shipwrecked(船失事) and later you drifted onto a deserted island. Just before abandoning yr ship, you have 5 mins to pick 3 people and 5 items. What are your choices?

8. What changes do you think will bring in the years to come?

9. How would you spend your money if your team won 100 million NTD?


1. If we are hiring new employees, which one do you think we should choose? Inexperience worker at lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary?

2. Put the following in order according to their importance./If you can only pick three? 1.Fortune 2.Friends 3. Family 4. Health 5.Business Success 6. Power 7. Appearance 8. Wisdom

3. If there were only three seats available in the business/first cabin, what kind of passenger would you put them in; a superstar/ a writer/ a politician/ a frequent VIP member of the company/ a retired crew/ a rich entrepreneur/ (EK)


1. Introduce Taipei/TW to your foreign friends in terms of: Attractions, food, culture

2. If you were asked to pick 3 things representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose?

3. Shooting a commercial for Taiwan.






Daphne參加過10次大大小小航空面試,錄取過華航地勤及兩大外商全日空、國泰航空空服員;並擔任航空面試講師、大學講師,希望可以幫助大家考上自己想要的公司,翱翔天空 🙂  歡迎FB私訊詢問履歷、自傳、自我介紹修改,還有一對一的線上課程。



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▪ 舉例說明過去的經驗,面試時這樣回答就對了
▪ 空服面試Q&A大集合!有關面試的所有問題看這篇


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