1 | 分齡選書指南&書介影片 | |||
2 | *每個孩子發展進度不同,以下適讀年齡僅供參考。 | ✅=本團重點新書 | ||
3 | <答客問>如何共讀英文繪本: | https://goo.gl/B1ILyk | ||
4 | 分類 | 分享文或影片 | 適讀年齡 | |
5 | <布書> | |||
6 | ✦ Nosy Crow A Tiny Little Story 小小故事布書 | https://goo.gl/91iJt9 | 0~2歲 | |
7 | ||||
8 | <音效書> | |||
9 | 硬頁音效書: | |||
10 | ✅Meekoo And The Big Red Potty 硬頁音效書 | http://bit.ly/2ZS5SQa | 1~4歲 | |
11 | ✅Happy Birthday to You! 硬頁音效書 | http://bit.ly/2UN9pLT | 1~4歲 | |
12 | ✅ 我的小小探索音樂書 硬頁音效書 | https://reurl.cc/m70X9 | 1~3歲 | |
13 | ✅我的小小音樂圖畫書 硬頁音效書 | https://reurl.cc/1MODG | 1~3歲 | |
14 | ✦ Listen to the 硬頁音效書 | https://goo.gl/fYxY5y | 1~3歲 | |
15 | ✦ Usborne 硬頁觸摸音效書 | https://goo.gl/kGR7bR | 1~3歲 | |
16 | 精裝音效書: | |||
17 | ✦ Poppy 精裝音樂音效書 | http://bit.ly/2HR1MPB | 2~6歲 | |
18 | ✦ The Story Orchestra 古典音樂故事精裝音效書 | https://goo.gl/rQF4iK | 3~8歲 | |
19 | ✦ Amazing Aeroplanes Sound Book 神奇的飛機精裝音效書 | https://goo.gl/c8KbsP | 3~6歲 | |
20 | ✦ The Gruffalo Sound Book 古肥玀故事精裝音效書 | https://goo.gl/yzqgiH | 3~7歲 | |
21 | ||||
22 | <硬頁遊戲書 > | |||
23 | 硬頁拼圖書: | |||
24 | ✅精選拼圖遊戲書大集合+ 神奇手電筒晚安故事書 | http://bit.ly/2XVZp4D | 1~5歲 | |
25 | - Find and Fit First Words 寶寶的第一本單字拼圖書 | http://bit.ly/2IRZ7IC | 1~3歲 | |
26 | - Pop Out & Play: Shopping List / Builder's Tool Kit 硬頁拼圖書 | http://bit.ly/2GVZO1E | 2~4歲 | |
27 | - Tiny Town: Let's Go to the Shop / Tiny Town 街景拼圖遊戲書 | http://bit.ly/2DJJ9we | 2~5歲 | |
28 | - My First Puzzles : Leon is Grumpy 故事拚圖書 | http://bit.ly/2Wh99Ge | 3~5歲 | |
29 | - My First Puzzles : Sam Gets Ready for Winter 故事拚圖書 | http://bit.ly/2GQsec9 | 3~5歲 | |
30 | - Push and Play 場景遊戲書:Dinosaur Stomp & Unicorn Dance | http://yt1.piee.pw/ETMUT | 1~4歲 | |
31 | - Magic Torch Book 神奇手電筒晚安故事書 | http://yt1.piee.pw/GWW3R | 2~5歲 | |
32 | 親子互動硬頁書: | |||
33 | ✅A Book About親子互動硬頁遊戲書 | http://bit.ly/2XT5v5S | 1~4歲 | |
34 | ✅ I Thought I Saw A....硬頁推拉書 | https://reurl.cc/rkpjy | 1~3歲 | |
35 | ✦ Alphabet Street 字母大街硬頁翻翻遊戲書 | https://goo.gl/cqSEZQ | 1~5歲 | |
36 | ✦ Felt Flaps不織布翻翻書 | https://goo.gl/fYxY5y | 1~3歲 | |
37 | ✦ Usborne Lift-the-Flap My Day 硬頁翻翻書 | https://goo.gl/ExRgAi | 1~4歲 | |
38 | ✦ Usborne Lift-the-Flap Very First Questions and Answers 知識問答翻翻書系列 | http://bit.ly/2VA6SJs | 2~6歲 | |
39 | ✦ Campbell 親子互動硬頁推拉書 | http://bit.ly/2Hle8yr | 1~3歲 | |
40 | ✦ Bizzy Bear 硬頁操作書 | http://bit.ly/2HQP57i | 1~3歲 | |
41 | ✦ My First Animated Board Book 硬頁推拉書 | https://goo.gl/8Kt1o6 | 1~4歲 | |
42 | ✦ Little Face百葉窗操作書 | http://goo.gl/9eWrCJ | 1~3歲 | |
43 | ✦ 小兔子系列親子互動硬頁書 | https://goo.gl/qCWXxe | 1~4歲 | |
44 | ✦ Touch Think Learn 觸摸認知硬頁書 | http://goo.gl/IQWzjo | 1~4歲 | |
45 | ✦ AlphaBlock造型方塊硬頁書系列 | https://goo.gl/zrmHyv | 1~4歲 | |
46 | 童話硬頁操作書: | |||
47 | ✦ First Stories 童話硬頁操作書 | http://goo.gl/67iaUz | 1~4歲 | |
48 | ✦ My First Pull-the-Tab Fairy Tale 童話硬頁操作書 | https://goo.gl/NSpfRU | 2~6歲 | |
49 | ✦ Peep Inside a Fairy Tale 童話硬頁操作書 | http://bit.ly/2GTMRp5 | 3~8歲 | |
50 | Twirl 互動遊戲書: | |||
51 | ✦ 動物配對遊戲書 Matching Game Book: Animals | http://bit.ly/2qR3xoK | 1~4歲 | |
52 | ✦ Twirl互動遊戲書Let's Bake a Cake!、Let's Care for Baby! 、Let's Grow Vegetables | https://goo.gl/j7rnVW | 2~5歲 | |
53 | ✦ Twirl 知識百科操作書 | |||
54 | -Ultimate Spotlight: Dinosaurs 恐龍立體操作書 | https://goo.gl/V3ZNpp | 3~6歲 | |
55 | -Ultimate Spotlight: Firefighters 消防隊立體操作書 | https://goo.gl/sgKpFH | 3~6歲 | |
56 | -Ultimate Construction Site Book 交通建築大百科操作書 | http://bit.ly/2GLyuSg | 3~6歲 | |
57 | -The Ultimate Book of Vehicles 交通工具大百科操作書 | http://bit.ly/2Vx6BHb | 3~6歲 | |
58 | -The Ultimate Book of Cities 都市探險大百科操作遊戲書 | https://goo.gl/PZax9M | 3~6歲 | |
59 | -The Ultimate Book of Space 太空大百科操作書 | http://bit.ly/2GTW3JZ | 3~6歲 | |
60 | -The Ultimate Book of Airplanes and Airports 飛機航空操作遊戲書 | http://bit.ly/2GKIB9R | 3~6歲 | |
61 | ✦ Twirl 磁鐵遊戲書 | |||
62 | -Magnetology: Constrction Sites 建築工地磁鐵書、Magnetology: New Home for Our Little Friends 小動物搬家磁鐵書 | https://goo.gl/9VH9n4 | 3~6歲 | |
63 | -Magnetology: Baby Animals 親子動物磁鐵書 | http://goo.gl/0RpDC7 | 3~6歲 | |
64 | -Magnetology: Ocean 海洋世界磁鐵書、Magnetology: Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Creatures 恐龍磁鐵書、Magnetology: Pirates 海盜磁鐵書 | 3~6歲 | ||
65 | ||||
66 | <生活教育與成長故事> | |||
67 | ✅ Big Steps 幼兒生活教育硬頁操作書 | http://bit.ly/2J3haLe | 2~5歲 | |
68 | ✦ Hello Genius 幼兒品格認知書 | https://goo.gl/HB57zL | 1~3歲 | |
69 | ✦ Pip and Posy皮皮與波西成長故事繪本 | http://goo.gl/sEDzWm | 2~5歲 | |
70 | ✦ Little Princess 生活品格繪本有聲繪本 | https://goo.gl/eQ61z2 | 3~6歲 | |
71 | ✅Peppa Pig 有聲平裝套書 | http://bit.ly/2IOJ5PJ | 3~6歲 | |
72 | ✅Elephant and Piggie: The Complete Collection 25本精裝大全集 | http://bit.ly/2DDuR02 | 3~6歲 | |
73 | ||||
74 | <Peppa Pig佩佩豬 ‧ Maisy 小鼠波波> | |||
75 | ✦ Maisy 小鼠波波 (全書系團購優惠) | |||
76 | -Maisy場景遊戲書與硬頁單字書 新書開箱 | http://bit.ly/2GIWwNL | 1~5歲 | |
77 | -Maisy's House場景遊戲書 | https://goo.gl/2v8AxT | 1~5歲 | |
78 | -Maisy's House and Garden立體遊戲書 | https://goo.gl/zqwYur | 3~6歲 | |
79 | -Maisy操作書與翻翻書 | http://bit.ly/2qTEBNi | 2~6歲 | |
80 | ✦ Peppa Pig (全書系團購優惠) | |||
81 | -Peppa Pig 有聲平裝套書 (13平裝+2CD) | http://bit.ly/2IOJ5PJ | 3~6歲 | |
82 | -Peppa Pig: Happy Birthday! 生日快樂吹蠟燭硬頁音效書 | http://bit.ly/2V4bEzg | 2~5歲 | |
83 | -Peppa Pig: Beep, beep, brrrrm! 交通工具硬頁音效書 | http://bit.ly/2vvxU60 | 2~5歲 | |
84 | -Peppa Pig 硬頁磁鐵遊戲書 | https://goo.gl/6dLEf1 | 1~4歲 | |
85 | -Peppa Pig 硬頁車輪書 | http://bit.ly/2IPwpIF | 2~5歲 | |
86 | -Peppa Pig Wipe Clean Shrinkwrap Pack (6平裝+2隻筆) 擦寫套書 | http://bit.ly/2Wgx2hl | 3~8歲 | |
87 | ||||
88 | <精選英文有聲書> | |||
89 | ✅Usborne English Readers英美雙發音分級讀本 | http://bit.ly/2GQ6Jt8 | 4~12歲 | |
90 | ✅Usborne Listen & Learn Storybook 自然發音有聲故事書 | http://bit.ly/2IPfc1R | 2~6歲 | |
91 | ✅Peppa Pig 有聲平裝套書 | http://bit.ly/2IOJ5PJ | 3~6歲 | |
92 | ✦ Lucy Cousin Treasury of Nursery Rhymes 童謠硬頁有聲書 | https://goo.gl/SwWZQX | 0~3歲 | |
93 | ✦ Fly Guy and Buzz Deluxe Set 有聲橋樑書 | http://bit.ly/2qPxfdz | 3~7歲 | |
94 | ✦ Little Princess 生活品格繪本有聲繪本 | https://goo.gl/eQ61z2 | 3~6歲 | |
95 | ✦ Amazing Machines Collection交通工具有聲繪本 | https://goo.gl/9w4hqv | 3~6歲 | |
96 | ✦ Julia Donaldson 經典繪本有聲書 | http://bit.ly/2Hknfzo | 3~8歲 | |
97 | ✦ A Classic Case Of Dr. Seuss 蘇斯博士經典繪本套書(套書不含CD,可加購CD合輯) | http://bit.ly/2F6JFSE | 3~8歲 | |
98 | ✦ Disney Read-Along 迪士尼電影有聲讀本套書 | http://bit.ly/2HPFFca | 4~8歲 | |
99 | ✦ Nick Sharratt A Lift-the-Flap Fairy Tales童話有聲翻翻套書 | https://goo.gl/qTdicL | 3~6歲 | |
100 | ✦ Barefoot 與JY Books有聲童謠繪本 | http://bit.ly/2qOhMdJ | 2~6歲 | |
101 | ✦ 必看!五顆星推薦英文有聲書單總整理 | http://bit.ly/2qOdnHL | 1~8歲 | |
102 | ||||
103 | <精選iRead 中文故事繪本>(iRead中文繪本全書系+英文原版團購優惠) | |||
104 | ✅iRead愛閱讀系列故事繪本 壽司精選新書書單總整理 | http://bit.ly/2V1rieK | 3~8歲 | |
105 | ✅不肯沉默的公雞(The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet!) | http://bit.ly/2VxJ4Wx | 4~8歲親子共讀,8歲以上自行閱讀 | |
106 | ✅書中有一道牆(The Wall in the Middle of the Book) | http://bit.ly/2Ld5atq | 3~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
107 | ✅來自火星的男孩( The Boy from Mars) | http://bit.ly/2V6KN5K | 4~6歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
108 | ✅喬治和他的影子(George and His Shadow) | http://bit.ly/2DFLrMV | 4~8歲親子共讀,8歲以上自行閱讀 | |
109 | ✅我和我的新媽咪(My New Mom And Me) | http://bit.ly/2Wci3EV | 3~6歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
110 | ✅我的小車輪(Ready to Ride) | http://bit.ly/2XUOTuE | 4~6歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
111 | ✅小獅子的鬃毛 | http://bit.ly/2VaUMak | 3~6歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
112 | ✅木蘭辭 | http://bit.ly/2VA91o9 | 4~8歲親子共讀,8歲以上自行閱讀 | |
113 | ✅新老鼠娶親 | http://bit.ly/2J1ZIH2 | 4~6歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
114 | ✦ 皮皮與波西 系列繪本(Pip and Posy) | http://goo.gl/sEDzWm | 2~6歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
115 | ✦ 野志明加 好吃的服裝店&好吃的服裝店2甜蜜歡樂舞會 | https://goo.gl/UnjPAb | 3~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
116 | ✦ 野志明加 香蕉爺爺香蕉奶奶 | https://goo.gl/s6Uf1J | 3~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
117 | ✦ 拉拉上學又遲到啦!(Vera Jewel is Late for School) | https://goo.gl/EaaHbv | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
118 | ✦ 世界上最強壯的媽媽(The Strongest Mum) | http://bit.ly/2qMWYTQ | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
119 | ✦ 左先生與右先生(Mr Left and Mr Right) | http://bit.ly/2F6xUff | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
120 | ✦ 山洞裡的小不點 | https://goo.gl/7HG4fc | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
121 | ✦ 爺爺的神祕巨人 | https://goo.gl/zMf3PX | 4~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
122 | ✦ 大壞熊(Horrible Bear!) | https://goo.gl/y9kjhx | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | |
123 | ✦ 不歡迎大象(Strictly No Elephants) | http://goo.gl/x558NH | 4~8歲親子共讀,8歲以上自行閱讀 | |
124 | ✦ 大藝術家巴布(Bob the Artist) | http://bit.ly/2GS6i1n | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | |
125 | ✦ 山洞裡的小不點(The Cave) | http://bit.ly/2DCjYve | 3~6歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | |
126 | ✦ 小旅鼠向前衝(Leaping Lemmings!) | http://bit.ly/2DDy5AO | 3~5歲親子共讀,6歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
127 | ✦ 班雅明先生的行李箱(Mr. Benjamin's Suitcase of Secrets) | http://bit.ly/2GQIAlW | 4~8歲親子共讀,8歲以上自行閱讀 | (有注音) |
128 | ✦很久很久以前,大家來過河 | http://bit.ly/2V3HADW | 3~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | |
129 | ✦不可思議的吃書男孩(The Incredible Book Eating Boy) | 3~7歲親子共讀,7歲以上自行閱讀 | ||
130 | ||||
131 | <更多經典暢銷英文故事繪本> | |||
132 | ✅Two for Me, One for You 兩個給我,一個給你 | https://reurl.cc/OzmyX | 3~8歲 | |
133 | ✅Marta Altés 繪本 | |||
134 | -Marta Altés 新書 Five More Minutes 再給我五分鐘 | https://reurl.cc/NOkGQ | 3~8歲 | |
135 | -Little Monkey 小猴子 | https://reurl.cc/8Yr8M | 3~8歲 | |
136 | -The King Cat、No!、I am an Artist、My New Home、My Grandpa | https://reurl.cc/Wzlrk | 3~8歲 | |
137 | ✦ How to Hide a Lion 獅子要藏在哪裡四部曲 | https://reurl.cc/OQlxX | 3~8歲 | |
138 | ( How to Hide a Lion / How to Hide a Lion from Grandma/ How to Hide a Lion at School / How to Hide a Lion at Christmas ) | |||
139 | ✦ The Tiger Who Came to Tea 來喝下午茶的老虎 | https://reurl.cc/xen05 | 3~8歲 | |
140 | ✦ 大熊與鴨子四部曲 : | 3~8歲 | ||
141 | -Goodnight Already! 可以說晚安了嗎? | https://goo.gl/AFqg98 | 3~8歲 | |
142 | -I Love You Already! 我本來就很愛你啊! | https://goo.gl/oD72bD | 3~8歲 | |
143 | -Come Home Already! | https://goo.gl/ZAZJVC | 3~8歲 | |
144 | -All Right Already! | https://reurl.cc/xenx4 | 3~8歲 | |
145 | ✦ Grandad's Island 爺爺的天堂島 | https://goo.gl/clMX3Z | 3~8歲 | |
146 | ✦ The Storm Whale 那天來的鯨魚、The Storm Whale in Winter 冬天來的鯨魚 | http://goo.gl/QNGEiM | 3~8歲 |