Hello,guys 我們的理想是創造人們更美好的品味, 所以提供藝文空間、造型設計和多元創意, 讓大多數人可以在『有』設計空間進行交流與分享。 Our ideal is to make people have bettertaste, so we provide art space,fashiondesin and variety of creation, which make most people share with one another in ''Have Salon.'' 想要一個可以聆聽您髮型的困擾 想要一個舒適放鬆的環境 想要一個適合自己的造型 想要一個無需整理的髮型 Do you want a relaxable environment? Do you want a hair style suit yourself? Do you want a hair style easy to take care of? Do you want a stylist to hear your harassment about hair style? 相信我們絕對是您在尋找的設計師 每位設計師絕對超過10年以上資歷 各大美髮品牌合作沙龍 雜誌和外景御用造型師 We believe that we are the one you are looking for Every stylist has more than a decade of experience. In cooperation with big brands of salon Specifies stylists with magazines 外景造型 | 商業拍攝 | 婚姻新秘 地點:台南市公園北路156-11號 剪。燙。染。護。彩妝。造型設計 預約電話:06-2516665 官方網站:http://www.havesalonnk.com 粉絲專頁:有造型空間/HAVE SALON https://m.facebook.com/goodtohaveyou/ 更多作品請訂閱我們的IG造型書 https://www.instagram.com/have_salon/