iiiNNO Startup Tour
Are you interesting for Startup Tour?
What itinerary in our Startup Tour?
>>>>> Here are two programs:

A.   6/18 - 6/22 Techsauce Global Summit 2019 (Country: Thailand Bangkok)
Techsauce is THE BEST AND MOST DIVERSE TECH SUMMIT IN ASIA ------ If you have the ambition to promote your service, go to the exhibition!


B   .7/15-7/21 or  7/22-7/28 Startup Lab journey (Country: Japan Okinawa)

Now do a "simple survey" and you or your team are interested in "which entrepreneurial journey(Startup Tour)!
We will send you an email to contact you.
Know your needs and tell the content of these two projects!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
您對哪一個海外擴展創業計畫有興趣?Which program or country are you interested in? *
郵件 /E-mail *
你是創業家嗎?/ Are you an entrepreneur? *
聯絡人 /Contact person *
代表公司或單位或團隊名稱/ Represented Company Or Organization Or Team name *
對Startup Tour的期待是?為什麼? / What's your expectation to the Startup Tour?and why ? *
對日本市場或泰國3-6個月的期待 / What's your expectation to Japan market or Thailand market in 3-6 months *
What position you are in the startup ecosystem? / 請問你在新創生態圈裡扮演甚麼角色? *
聽過iiiNNO,或是參加過iiiNNO的活動嗎? *
Comments Or Question / 建議及提問
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