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你好,我是爆肝當然也可以叫我霸丸。 一個寫了部落格14年的網路作家,過程獲選中時嚴選部落格、部落客百傑旅遊類銀牌、十大旅遊部落客、台灣百大部落客,被全台灣的新聞媒體都轉貼過文章,除了和KKday平台、日本Toyota租車、大品股份有限公司長期合作,目前也和亞洲衛星電視合作、三立電視台合作推廣旅遊,另外與航空公司tigerair,Jetstar,Peach Aviation,NokScoot,Air asia,Air Canada等都有合作關係,更配合過日本、泰國、沙巴、香港、台灣等觀光局推廣旅遊案,在2017與台北市商業處一同舉辦天母美食祭,出版著作有《荷蘭鍋55道秒殺料理》、《北海道露營車之旅》,目前也是遠見雜誌、ETtoday、上報、az travel旅遊生活雜誌、Line today等專欄作者。 Hi,I am Joy the famous blogger and KOL in Taiwan. I published over 4000 articles,which are about travel( how to go attraction?;where you can eat?) food trip and shopping even my life experience,a blog rich in atmosphere. Beside write articles on blog,I am also a columnist in Global Views Monthly,ETtoday,UP Media and az travel. I was cooperated with the Tourism Bureau,such as Japan,Thailand,Sabah,Hong Kong…etc.,and airlines such as tigerair,Jetstar,Peach Aviation,NokScoot,Air asia,Air Canada. If you want to contact me,please send a e-mail to “nurseilife@bloggerati.me” .

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