廠商進駐登記表Entry Registration Form
Welcome to the outsourced operation sites of the General Affairs Office of National Taiwan University!
說明 Guide
Please provide your company's registration number, contact  information and your operation type.
If there are any available sites for lease, we will notify you as soon as possible.
Please call us if you have any questions, thank you.
TEL:(02)3366-2197~9  FAX:(02)3366-5958 LINE: @144nfxpl
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廠商名稱  Company  Name *
聯絡人 Contact Person Name *
聯絡電話  Phone Number *
電子信箱 E-mail *
提供服務類型  Type of Services *
(Please provide as much detail as possible about the types of services your company offers.)
請問您需要索取那些公告中場地招商文件呢?  Which outsourced operation Investment documents you need to require from the announcement?  
(Please note that outsourced operation Investment documents will only be provided until the end of the announcement and will not be provided after the deadline.)
希望進駐之場地(可複選) Preferred Operation Sites (Multiple Choices). *
場地坪數需求 Site Area Requirement
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歡迎分享您的看法或任何其他寶貴的建議  We appreciate any feedback or suggestions.
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