2020-02-15 台北喜來登飯店地下二樓喜廳
13:00 ~ 13:05
講者: 廖俊厚 座長: 廖俊厚
13:05 ~ 13:25
The role of ultrasound shear elastography in the evaluation of OAB
講者: 蔡佳宏 座長: 李建儀
13:25 ~ 13:35
1. Evaluate the efficacy and safety of mirabegron on DHIC patients
講者: 李香瑩 座長: 莊燿吉
13:35 ~ 13:45
2. Evaluate the efficacy and safety of biofeedback and electrical stimulation therapy in patients received prostate surgery
講者: 李香瑩 座長: 莊燿吉
Proposal + Preliminary Results
13:45 ~ 14:05
講者: 江元宏 座長: 崔克宏
14:05 ~ 14:25
The impact of the microbiota on ketamine cystitis
講者: 顏敬恒 座長: 莊斐琪
14:25 ~ 14:45
New Drug Development and Utility for Interstitial Cystitis/Chemical Related Cystitis and Overactive Bladder: Encapsulated-botulinum toxin A Mucoadhesive nanoparticles
講者: 姜秉均 座長: 蒙恩
14:45 ~ 15:00
Final Reports
15:00 ~ 15:20
Urine Cytokines as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Mapping Clinical Characteristics of Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome
講者: 江元宏 座長: 吳俊賢
15:20 ~ 15:40
Long term outcomes of Laser Prostatectomy
講者: 楊佩珊 座長: 王炯珵
15:40 ~ 16:00
AI 在高齡排尿障礙病人應用探討
講者: 侯鎮邦 座長: 蔡宗佑
16:00 ~ 16:20
Bladder Dysfunction in Rats With Metabolic Syndrome Induced by Long-Term High-fat diet
講者: 黃旭澤 座長: 洪滿榮
16:20 ~ 16:40
Feasibility of Drug-Eluting Biodegradable Stent for Ureteral Stricture Treatment in an Animal Model
講者: 何東儒 座長: 余宏政
16:40 ~ 16:40
Special Lecture
講者: Farid Abdul Hadi 座長: 林登龍
17:00 ~ 17:10
講者: 廖俊厚 座長: 廖俊厚