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“City Memory:Text & Language”
the Fifth Macao International Contemporary Illustrations Competition
The Fifth Macao International Contemporary Illustrations Competition(hereinafter referred to as the Competition),
themed on Text & Language, now is opening for submission of all kinds of illustration works around the world.
Through the illustration, a visual creative form, the Competition is having a conversation with ancient civilizations
and feeling the infinite charm of multi-culture in the evolution of human civilization, so as to enlighten the future
development of the civilization created by human beings.
City Memory:Text & Language
The Competition is divided into the following four
thematic units: Story of Text; Language & Communi- cation; Art of Text and Language of the Future.
Among the four thematic units, the Story of Text
reflects the historical development and changes of
various symbolic texts in the world, as well as their
mutual integration and innovation. Language &
Communication is about people’s use of different
languages for communication, showing the close
connection between language and our life. The Art
of Text explores the unique charm of text and writing
as well as the values of text’s design aesthetics.
Language of the Future refers to the future of
human existence, and imagines all possible ways for
humans to communicate with the universe in the
Entry Fee
For preliminary selection, free of charge; after being
selected, each category will be charged RMB 80 yuan
as evaluation fee.
Regions Applicable All the countries and regions.
Submission Deadline August 31st, 2020
Preliminary Selection 1st to 15th September, 2020
Re-evaluation 15th to 25th September, 2020
Final Evaluation 25th September to 5th October, 2020
graphic illustration, including picture book.
Graphic vision
New media design
short video, animated multimedia illustration.
Product design
Youth group
a Youth group is specially set up to solicit outstanding
paintings from youth under the age of 12 globally.
The above entries are all belonged to the non-commercial. The copyright
of the submitted work should belong to the author or its copyright should
be clear. Meanwhile, the submitted work should not be shown in other
competitions or used for any commercial events.
Awards & Rewards
City Memory Grand Award
Graphic vision
New media design
Product design
Youth group
1 award
1 award
1 award
1 award
$10,000 MOP
$10,000 MOP
$10,000 MOP
An exquisite prize
Graphic vision
New media design
Product design
Youth group
1 award
1 award
1 award
1 award
$5,000 MOP
$5,000 MOP
$5,000 MOP
An exquisite prize
City Memory Gold Award
Graphic vision
New media design
Product design
Youth group
1 award
1 award
1 award
1 award
$3,000 MOP
$3,000 MOP
$3,000 MOP
An exquisite prize
City Memory Silver Award
Graphic vision
New media design
Product design
Youth group
1 award
1 award
1 award
1 award
$2,000 MOP
$2,000 MOP
$2,000 MOP
An exquisite prize
City Memory Bronze Award
Graphic vision
New media design
Product design
Youth group
1 award
1 award
1 award
1 award
$1,000 MOP
$1,000 MOP
$1,000 MOP
An exquisite prize
City Memory Jury Award
Graphic vision
New media design
Product design
Youth group
4 awards
4 awards
4 awards
4 awards
$1,000 MOP / each
$1,000 MOP / each
$1,000 MOP / each
An exquisite prize
City Memory Jury Award
Global Exhibition Tour
Excellent works of the Fifth Competition will be
exhibited in Tokyo and other places.
Cultural and educational products, cultural and creative
products of tourism and other various gifts.