
Established in 2020, the Taiwan Policy Initiative (TPI) provides policymakers and international observers of Taiwan a diverse perspective in grasping the complexity of Taiwan’s domestic politics and foreign relations. The policy articles here aspire to inspire and inform policy proposals for decision-makers concerning the future development of Taiwan. The four founding members are political scientists trained in the United States with rigorous methodological and reasoning training. For the past decades, they have been active in writing for various policy outlets in both English and Mandarin.

Serving its mission, TPI hopes to be a bridge between the founding members and other collaborators to deliver policy-relevant writings. Additionally, TPI can also be an academic research incubator of innovative ideas and thoughts. For the public, TPI aspires to rekindle the public’s interests in Taiwan’s domestic and foreign policy and attract international attention to Taiwan’s challenge in the international society.

Founding Members (Alphabetically Ordered)

Fang-Yu Chen (陳方隅) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Soochow University, Taiwan.

Austin Wang (王宏恩) is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 

Charles K.S. Wu (吳冠昇) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of South Alabama.

Yao-Yuan Yeh (葉耀元) is Endowed Chair and Professor of International Studies at the University of St. Thomas, Houston.  

Policy Writings (In English)

The opinions reflected in the articles are the authors' only and do not represent their academic institutions and professional organizations.

Links to Policy Writings and Media Appearances in Mandarin by the Founding Members

Fang-Yu Chen (陳方隅)

Austin Wang (王宏恩)

Charles K.S. Wu (吳冠昇)

Yao-Yuan Yeh (葉耀元)

For TPI releveant inquries, please email Dr. Yao-Yuan Yeh at yehy@stthom.edu or yeh2sctw@gmail.com