Op-ed in English
Taiwan Policy Initiative, TPI = Fang-Yu Chen, Austin Wang, Charles K.S. Wu, and Yao-Yuan Yeh (alphabetical). FB page
"The U.S.-Taiwan Relations Under Trump 2.0." 2024/12/6, Taiwan Insight
"Taiwan's Pro-China Opposition in Congress Pass Undemocratic Laws that Trigger Mass Protest." 2024/7/23, 9DASHLINE, with Ya-han Chen
"On China’s New Guideline for ‘Punishing Taiwan Independence’ and Its Impact." 2024/7/16, Prospects & Perspectives No. 38
"Taiwan’s Protesters Are Against ‘Check-but-Imbalance’ and Legislative Overreach." 2024/5/31, The Diplomat, with TPI
"Why Are Taiwanese Youth Protesting Against Legislative Reform?" 2024/5/25, The Diplomat, with TPI
"Joe Biden Must Use Summit with China to Ease Taiwan's Fears." 2023/11/11, National Interest, with TPI
"In the Face of War, the Dangers of Pro-China Rhetoric in Taiwan." 2023/5/1, The Diplomat, with Wen Liu and Brian Hioe
"Why NGOs Are Boosting Support for Self-Defense in Taiwan." 2023/2/23, National Interest, with TPI
"Are the Taiwanese People Willing to Fight China?" 2023/1/13, National Interest, with TPI
"Was China the Winner of Taiwan’s Elections?" 2022/11/30, National Interest, with TPI
"Cross-Strait Relations After the 2022 Midterm Election in Taiwan." 2022/11/29, The Diplomat, with TPI
"Taiwanese People Will Be Reassured by Pelosi’s Visit." 2022/8/2, The Monkey Cage at Washington Post, with TPI
"What Ukraine Can (and cannot) Tell us about A Cross-Strait War." 2022/7/1, American Sociology Association Political Sociology Section Letter, with TPI
"Biden’s Asia Trip and Implications for Indo-Pacific Cooperation." 2022/6/9, Prospects & Perspectives 2022 No. 32, with Charles K.S. Wu
"Why Was Taiwan Left Out of the US-Led IPEF?" 2022/5/25, The Diplomat, with TPI
"Preparing Taiwan for a War With China." 2022/5/16, RealClearDefense, with TPI
中文版@沃草公民學院:抗中保臺不能只靠反裝甲火箭「不對稱作戰」"US Should Abandon Strategic Ambiguity for ‘Dual Clarity’ Toward Taiwan." 2022/3/22, The Defense Post, with TPI
"Why the Ukraine-Taiwan Analogy Doesn’t Make Sense." 2022/2/13, National Interest, with TPI
"Making Sense of Taiwan's Invitation to the Summit for Democracy." 2021/12/18, Taiwan Insight, with TPI
"Why the US Should Ditch Strategic Ambiguity Toward Taiwan." 2021/12/1, The Defense Post, with TPI.
中文版@沃草公民學院:為什麼美國應該放棄對臺灣戰略模糊?"What Do People in Taiwan Think About Their Military?" 2021/10/22, The Diplomat, with TPI
"No, Taiwan is not the Next Afghanistan." 2021/9/21, International Policy Digest, with TPI
"Lee Tung-hui’s Leadership Legacy." 2021/8/18, East Asia Forum, with TPI
"Celebrity, Social Media and Disputes Over Taiwan’s Sovereignty." 2021/6/6, E-International Relations, with TPI
"How Taiwan Tacitly Promotes its National Security Agenda." 2021/3/10, E-International Relations, with TPI
"Will China and Taiwan Go to War Under the Biden Administration?" 2021/2/5, National Interest, with TPI
"Omens for US-Taiwan Relations in the Biden Administration." 2021/1/27, E-International Relations, with TPI
"Taiwan shall pay attention to US State Department’s Policy Planning Staff." 2020/12/7, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"The Hong Kong factor keeps Taiwan further away from China." 2020/11/27, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"Surprise! Biden’s China Policy Will Look Like Trump’s." 2020/11/23, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"Will the Economic Prosperity Partnership Dialogue be a Flash in the Pan?" 2020/11/14, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"The future of US-China-Taiwan Relationship under Biden." 2020/11/10, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"US Arms Sales to Taiwan Boost Defense, Bring Prospect of Cross-Strait Peace." 2020/10/31, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"Why Is China Threatening To Use Force Against Taiwan?" 2020/10/27, National Interest, with TPI.
"Does American Public Opinion Affect US Foreign Policy Toward Taiwan?" 2020/10/26, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"The Three Pillars of the US Strategic Ambiguity Policy toward the Strait." 2020/10/18, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"Can Taiwan unilaterally alter US-Taiwan relations?" 2020/10/10, HK Apple Daily, with TPI.
"Why Strategic Ambiguity Is No Longer Viable For U.S.-Taiwan Relations." 2020/9/29, National Interest, with TPI.
"China vs. America: A New Cold War Means New Great Power Blocs." 2020/9/4, National Interest, with TPI
"How Does the Public Perceive the Diplomatic Isolation of Taiwan?." 2020/8/22, East Asia Forum, with TPI
"Analyzing Support for #TweetforTaiwan." 2020/7/19, E-International Relations, with TPI
"Why Taiwan Continues to Fear a Chinese Invasion." 2020/6/16, National Interest, with TPI. 中文版@沃草公民學院:蔡英文是獨派或維持現狀派?台灣學者投書外媒:是「維護主權派」
“What does a 'New Constitution' Mean for the 'Status Quo'?” 2020/6/3, Global Taiwan Brief, 5(11)
"What Do Taiwan’s People Think About Their Relationship to China?" 2020/5/29, The Diplomat, with TPI. 中文版@沃草公民學院:一個「維持現狀」各自表述?台灣人怎麼看自己和中國的關係 、菜市場政治學版本
"Behind the Democratic Progressive Party’s Convincing 2020 Win." 2020/2/4, East Asia Forum, with TPI
"Hong Kong Repression Pushes Taiwan Away from China." 2020/1/10, East Asia Forum, with TPI
"Is Free Speech Being Crushed by the U.S.-China Confrontation?" 2019/11/11, National Interest, with TPI
"A Taiwanese Perspective on the Impact of Hong Kong Protests in Taiwan." 2019/11/6, Global Taiwan Brief 4(21)
"Debunking Myths about US-Taiwan Arms Sales." 2019/9/13, The Pacific Forum, PacNet #52, with Charles K.S. Wu, Yao-Yuan Yeh, Austin Wang, and Kuan-Shun Yang. 中文版@沃草公民學院:美國對台軍售案謠言大破解
"Meet the New Taiwan: Trained for War and Ready to Fight." 2019/4/10, National Interest, with TPI . 中文版@沃草公民學院:台灣的軍事訓練有實際效益嗎?
"Self-Defense in Taiwan: New Findings from Surveys." 2019/4/5, The Pacific Forum, PacNet #21a, with TPI . 中文版@關鍵評論網:台灣人的自我防衛決心,遠比大家想像得還要高
"Are Taiwan’s Citizens Willing to Fight Against China?" 2019/3/22, The Diplomat, with TPI .中文版@沃草公民學院:台灣公民願意為對抗中國上戰場嗎?
"Four Key Takeaways from Taiwan’s Recent Election Surprises" 2018/12/17, The Monkey Cage at Washington Post, with Kevin Luo
"Would Taiwan Fight China Without U.S. Support?" 2018/12/9, National Interest, with TPI . 菜市場政治學版本:美國的安全承諾會影響台灣人們自我防衛的決心嗎?
"What Does the 1992 Consensus Mean to Citizens in Taiwan?" 2018/11/10, The Diplomat, with TPI . 菜市場政治學版本:九二共識到底是什麼?我們到底該不該(重新)承認它?
“Taiwan’s Constitutional Reform: Proposals and Obstacles,” 2017/11/15, Global Taiwan Brief, 2(40)
“Marriage Equality in Taiwan: Challenges Ahead (and Behind),” 2017/6/21, Global Taiwan Brief, 2(25)
“The Social Context of the Sunflower Movement,” 2017/5/17, Global Taiwan Brief, 2(20)
“The Taiwanese See Themselves as Taiwanese, Not as Chinese,” 2017/1/2, The Monkey Cage at Washington Post, with Wei-Ting Yen, Austin H. Wang, Brian Hioe. 菜市場政治學版本:什麼是「現狀」?台灣人視自己為台灣人,不是中國人
〈Taiwan and mainland China in talks? Here are the 5 things you need to know about what Taiwanese people are thinking〉,with Austin H. Wang, Wei-Ting Yen, Jung-Feng Tsai, Greg Sheen, and Jaw-Nian Huang, The Monkey Cage at Washington Post. 2015/11/6。