為了接住許許多多,因為性傾向、性別認同或性別氣質而受苦的夥伴們,自 2003 年起,性別團體聯合起來籌辦了第一屆「臺灣同志遊行」,從此,每年固定在十月最後一個週六舉行。
隨著遊行規模越來越大,2012 年「臺灣彩虹公民行動協會」成立,負責處理遊行相關行政事宜。每年都有數百位關心性別議題的志工,投注心力籌辦遊行,希望能提供公開現身的發聲平台;希望社會大眾看見每個人的不同,尊重、理解並接納多元的性別樣貌;希望政府的施政對象裡,包含這些因為性傾向、性別認同或性別氣質的不同,而缺乏制度保障的人們,讓社會更加公平、人人自在。
第一年,臺灣同志遊行約有千人參與,如今已是東亞最大同志遊行,愈來愈多支持 LGBT+ 平權的人們,走在一起。2019 年同性婚姻專法通過,同志們得以有一定程度的法律保障,但專法仍有諸多不足、尚待努力;同時,專法之外還有許多性╱別議題,需要性多樣社群持續地關注與爭取。
Taiwan used to consider "homosexuality" as a taboo, a topic that shouldn't be discussed. There were instances of people being secretly filmed or outed, losing their jobs due to media coverage, or being kicked out of their homes. Many individuals were mocked, bullied, and treated as monsters because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
To support those who suffered, gender advocacy groups united in 2003 to organize the first "Taiwan LGBT+ Pride". Since then, it has been held annually on the last Saturday of October.
As the parade grew in scale, "Taiwan Rainbow Civil Action Association" was established in 2012 to handle administrative matters related to the parade. Every year, hundreds of volunteers devote their efforts to organize the parade, aiming to provide a public platform for individuals to openly express themselves. Our goal is for society to recognize the diversity of every person, and to respect and accept different gender identities. We also hope that the government's policies will include these individuals who lack institutional protection due to their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression, making society more equitable.
In the first year, over 800 people participated in Taiwan LGBT+ Pride, which has become the largest LGBT+ Pride event in East Asia. More and more people who support LGBT+ rights are coming together. In 2019, Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage, providing a certain level of legal protection for the LGBT+ community. However, there is still room for improvement with gender issues still in need of continuous attention and advocacy.
This is also the purpose of Taiwan LGBT+ Pride: to be an avenue to celebrate a life that is true and free, a life without discrimination, stigma, and violence.
我們從六色彩虹出發,如今 LGBT+ 社群有各色各樣的旗幟,代表各自的性別認同、性傾向與生理性別的多元樣貌。因此,我們將不同時期發展出的驕傲旗幟,化作一個個等長等寬的小方塊,互相緊靠、擁抱,成為一個我們都不可或缺的、愛的形狀;也代表每個人都是獨一無二的個體,但相同的是 —— 我們都有能力去愛,也值得被愛。
We have extended from the six-color rainbow to the variety of flags representing diverse gender identities, sexual orientations, and biological sexes of the LGBT+ community. We have transformed the pride flags into small square blocks of equal length and width. These blocks have become an essential shape of love, representing that each individual is unique, embracing each other closely and remaining our ability to love and be loved.
LOGO 設計感謝韓重毅(田又設計)的協助與授權。