TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchens(平)

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TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchen 為國內出版的第一本全英文台灣味食譜書,集結多年的國內外教學精華,從台灣飲食發展史、調味料、烹飪方法、文化故事切入,完整解析台灣菜的調味和烹飪技巧。並收錄7大分類、67道經典台灣料理食譜,從滷肉飯、鹽酥雞、蚵仔麵線等家常菜和小吃,到紅蟳米糕、南部粽、蛋黃酥等節慶手路菜!TASTE TAIWAN為一本向全世界展示台灣味的經典著作,是送給國際友人的最佳質感禮物!

Cookinn Taiwan presents its first cookbook ‘TASTE TAIWAN: Recipes from Taiwanese Home Kitchens.’ The book unlocks the secrets of 67 authentic Taiwanese home-cooking recipes, including Lu Rou Fan, Gua Bao, Popcorn Chicken, Scallion Pancakes, Boba tea, and more. Vibrant photographs and engaging narratives bring the pages alive, immersing you in the heart of Taiwan’s food culture. This cookbook is your passport to Taiwanese flavors anywhere!





蔡佩君為Cookinn Taiwan創辦人、廚藝老師、食譜作家、同時育有兩個孩子。2014年於藍帶廚藝學院東京分校進修後,回台灣開始投入飲食教育領域。2018年創辦Cookinn Taiwan旅人料理教室,不遺餘力推廣著台灣豐富多元的飲食文化。至今已迎接來自52個國家的超過15,000名國際旅客。近年多次受交通部觀光署的邀請,到英國、美國、加拿大、馬來西亞、澳洲和紐西蘭等地進行精彩的教學推廣。並曾教導AIT美國在台協會、台北市首長、波蘭和美國議員團製作台灣料理。2020年,Cookinn Taiwan榮獲TripAdvisor旅行者之選大獎,同時與故宮博物院合開主題課程,證明了他們的優異服務品質和聲譽。

Chelsea Tsai (蔡佩君) is a culinary arts educator, food writer, devoted mother of two, and the founder of Cookinn Taiwan. Born and raised in Taiwan, her gastronomic journey began under the guidance of her mother and grandaunt and evolved into mastery at Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo. In 2015, Tsai embarked on her teaching career in the culinary arts. Three years later, driven by a profound love for her homeland and an unwavering passion for food, she established Cookinn Taiwan --- an award-winning cooking school in Taipei dedicated to deepening understanding of local cuisine. Alongside her team, Tsai has emerged as an impassioned global emissary of Taiwanese food and culture.



台式泡菜 Taiwanese Pickled Cabbage
涼拌拍黃瓜 Smashed Cucumber Salad
五味中卷 Squid Salad with Five-Flavor Sauce
蒜泥白肉 Boiled Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce
紹興醉雞 Shaoxing Drunken Chicken

三杯雞 Three Cup Chicken
蔥爆牛肉 Scallion Beef Stir-Fry
鐵板豬柳 Black Pepper Pork Stir-Fry
客家小炒 Hakka Stir-Fry
金沙苦瓜 Bitter Gourd with Salted Egg
鳳梨蝦球 Pineapple Shrimp Balls
胡椒蝦 Pepper Shrimp
塔香蛤蜊 Stir-Fried Clam with Basil
清蒸石斑 Steamed Grouper
香煎午仔魚 Pan-Fried Fish
紅燒台灣鯛 Braised Taiwanese Tilapia
菜脯蛋 Dried Radish Omelet
番茄炒蛋 Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes
排骨便當 Pork Chop Bento
烏魚子炒飯 Mullet Roe Fried Rice
沙茶肉絲炒麵 Shacha Pork Fried Noodles
炒米粉 Fried Rice Vermicelli

家常控肉 Mom’s Braised Pork Belly
滷豬腳 Braised Pork Knuckles
蛋黃瓜仔肉 Steamed Minced Pork with Pickles
香菇肉燥 Rou Zao with Shiitake Mushrooms
薑絲鮮魚湯 Fresh Fish Soup with Ginger
香菇雞湯 Chicken Soup with Shiitake Mushrooms
酸辣湯 Hot and Sour Soup

滷肉飯 Braised Pork Rice
鹽酥雞 Popcorn Chicken
雞排 Fried Chicken Cutlets
刈包 Gua Bao
肉羹湯 Pork Thick Soup
蚵仔煎 Oyster Omelet
蚵仔麵線 Oyster Vermicelli
碗粿 Rice Bowl Cake
烤玉米 Taiwanese-Style Grilled Corn
茶葉蛋 Tea eggs
高麗菜水餃 Cabbage Dumplings
紅燒牛肉麵 Beef Noodle Soup
涼麵 Cold Noodles

蛋餅 Dan Bing
飯糰 Glutinous Rice Ball
燒餅 Sesame Flatbread
水煎包 Pan-Fried Buns
竹筍鹹粥 Bamboo Shoot Porridge
蘿蔔糕 Radish Cake
蔥油餅 Scallion Pancake
珍珠奶茶 Boba Milk Tea
木瓜牛奶 Papaya Milk
檸檬愛玉 Lemon Aiyu Jelly
豆花 Tofu Pudding
芋圓 Taro Balls
炸地瓜球 QQ Balls
牛粒 / 小西點 Taiwanese Macarons
鳳梨酥 Pineapple Cakes
桂圓蛋糕 Longan Cupcakes

紅蟳米糕 Steamed Glutinous Rice with Mud Crab
紅燒獅子頭 Lion's Head Meatballs
白斬雞 Sliced Poached Chicken
紅豆年糕 Azuki Bean New Year Rice Cake
芝麻湯圓 Sesame Tang Yuan
潤餅 Run Bing
南部粽 Southern-Style Zongzi
蛋黃酥 Egg Yolk Pastry
麻油雞 Sesame Oil Chicken


『台灣的食譜數不勝數,但這本是少數我想收藏的食譜之一。』李承宇, 讀饗時光主持人
『內容英文流暢,穿插許多生動的小故事,展現 Chelsea 長期教導外國人練就的「說菜」功力。許多書中提到的童年回憶,也讓我不時會心一笑』周欽華, 科技島讀作者

“A fascinating read, this book proves to be an invaluable resource for those like myself, with an insatiable appetite for both Taiwanese culture and its remarkable cuisine.”
— Mark Hanson, co-founder of White Fungus

"This book overflows with love for family, Taiwan, and the heartwarming connection between food and people. It will inspire you to cook a delicious Taiwanese dish for a loved one, bringing smiles all around." -- 料理研究家 Ritsuko Nakamura

“From iconic street food to treasured family recipes, Chelsea’s Taste Taiwan offers an authentic and mouthwatering glimpse into the world of Taiwanese home cuisine. Enjoy! “—— Jossy Lee, Author of Mommy Goes to Work

For the people of Taiwan, food isn't just a necessity; it's a national obsession. While some might liken Italy's outline to a high-heeled boot, when we Taiwanese look at our map, we see a sweet potato. Positioned squarely across the Tropic of Cancer, the diverse terrain of this tuber-shaped island encompasses lush rolling hills, expansive plains, and a rugged mountain range where more than 100 peaks rise over three thousand meters in elevation.  This varied landscape and the weather it produces gift the island with an array of natural treasures: succulent seafood, vibrant fruits, and hearty vegetables, all contributing to the rich palette of Taiwanese cuisine.

Here in Taiwan, a dazzling mosaic of food echoes the island's unique past — a history adorned with the threads of Austronesian Indigenous culture spanning millennia, the footprints of European explorers, and the embrace of Han Chinese migrants escaping to its shores. This is a land that experienced fifty years of Japanese occupation, followed shortly thereafter by the sudden influx of more than a million military personnel and civilians retreating in the aftermath of the Chinese Civil War. The turbulent winds of history have shaped Taiwan into a lively crossroad of culinary influences from China, Japan, Southeast Asia, and beyond.

Against this vivid backdrop, ancient traditions frequently take center stage. The Lunar New Year gathers families for a feast, each household laying out a lavish spread that symbolizes reunion and good fortune. Dishes such as steamed fish, poached chicken, and sticky rice cake carry meanings that extend beyond their flavors. Even in reverence to the departed, food finds its place: Ceremonial offerings to calm wandering ghosts illustrate profound ties between sustenance and the spiritual realm.

In Taiwan, food serves as a conversation starter, a source of comfort, and a reflection of the island’s warm hospitality. When we bump into a friend, instead of the usual "How are you?" greeting, it is customary to ask, "Have you eaten yet?" Whether sharing a hearty pot of hot soup with family or exploring uncharted restaurants with friends, every meal becomes an opportunity to connect, build relationships, and revel in the shared pleasure of eating.
This book is more than just a reliable cookbook; it's an invitation to explore and embrace the distinctive flavors of Taiwanese food culture. So, grab your spatula and chopsticks, and get ready for a gastronomic journey across the enchanting island of Taiwan!


台式泡菜 Taiwanese Pickled Cabbage (tái-shì pào-cài)
Taiwan enjoys a rich bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables through- out the year. Nevertheless, making pickled vegetables remains a beloved method of preserving and elevating the natural flavors of local crops. Distinct from Korean kimchi, which prioritizes a fermented flavor profile, Taiwanese pickled cabbage is enjoyed for its fresh, crunchy texture and sweet-sour taste that instantly whets the appetite and makes it an excellent starter. The versatile pickle brine is remark- ably simple to whip up at home and can be used with a wide range of vegetables, such as radish, young ginger, and garlic cloves.
1/2 medium (600g / 20oz) head of cabbage
1 medium (100g) carrot, sliced thin
1 tbsp (15g) salt
3 cloves (15g) garlic, chopped
1/2 (10g) red chili pepper, sliced
1/2 cup (120ml) rice vinegar
5 tbsp (75g) cane sugar
2 tsp (10ml) sesame oil
2 tbsp (6g) Sichuan peppercorns

1. Cut cabbage into bite-sized pieces. Rinse briefly and drain well.
2. Place the cabbage and sliced carrots in a large plastic bag or container. Add salt, seal the bag, and shake well to dis- tribute the salt evenly. Let it marinate for 1 hour.
3. After 1 hour, the cabbage should have softened. Drain ex- cess water from the cabbage.
4. Make the pickle brine by mixing minced garlic, chili pep- per slices, rice vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, and Sichuan peppercorns in a bowl.
5. Add the pickle brine to the cabbage, shaking or tossing to ensure the sauce coats the cabbage evenly.
6. Refrigerate the pickled cabbage for at least 4 hours be- fore serving. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.



    • 語言
    • 中文繁體
    • 裝訂
    • 紙本平裝
    • ISBN
    • 9786269779116
    • 分級
    • 普通級
    • 頁數
    • 230
    • 商品規格
    • 19*26
    • 出版地
    • 台灣
    • 適讀年齡
    • 全齡適讀
    • 注音
    • 級別



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